Monday, November 29, 2010

Awaiting life's bounty

     I'm excited. More excited than I have been for a while, more excited than when I had the epiphany to go to the Art Institute to become an interior designer. There so much that I do not want to wait for but want to at the same time... the suspense is killing me but I like it so much!
     Very early on the morning of December 22nd, I will be making my way (via plane) to my home in San Antonio, Texas. I will not return to Virginia Beach until January 3rd, the anniversary of the birth of my mother. I will see friends that I haven't seen since June, and boy I'm enthralled! Though it's not only winter vacation that I'm thrilled about.
     Summer! This is my final year of high school and it's amazing yet intimidating to see it come to an end so quickly... I have a vehicle, I'll have my summer vacation driving around the states, and then it's off to college in October. Dang. There's so much I want to do!
I don't have to look fantastic to take the
 world by storm, I'll just do it!
     I was looking into the Peace Corps as an assignment from my journalism class and it's pretty dang spiffy! I was thinking of trying the Cross Country Service (CCS) program first. There are some major differences between CCS and the Peace Corps, though the biggest being the length of time required to stay in a foreign country. For the Peace Corps, you are required to spend two years in another country and an additional three months for training prior to departure; versus CCS whose stays are from one to twelve weeks, so no more than three months. I think I would first try twelve weeks in the CCS program to make sure I had the dedication for the Peace Corps. These thoughts have motivated me to begin thinking about making a bucket list.
     Sure, I'm only seventeen, but I want to live life! I want to experience everything from climbing mountains to eating something whose name I cannot pronounce. I think in my next post I will put up my bucket list and I'll go back and cross through things as I complete them. I love this blog. Gee-whiz, I feel free!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A truer reflection

     So, as all can see, I have enhanced my blog's header. I chose these two images for a couple of reasons, but firstly, I must inform you of their whereabouts and the reason I chose them.
     The image on the left, of the little girl blowing a dandelion puff, was found at this web address: (Taken by Nicky Thurgar) I am not to owner of that photograph therefore I should receive no credit. Well I chose this photo because it reminds myself of me, a much cuter version I must admit. Ha ha. It's simple, yet elegant, and no other photo of dandelion puffs could better capture that particular moment. (Seriously! Try googling dandelion puffs and tell me when you find a better photograph.)
     The photograph on the right was taken by my own right hand on March 1, 2010. It was a Monday as well as the one-year anniversary of the relationship between Joey and myself. Instead of going to school, and he work, we went to the zoo, dined at Wienerschnitzel, and went to that amazing book store that sells fancily bound books; but I digress. You cannot tell, because I have used greyscale on the image, that the bracelets on our wrist had blue x's and green lines. (Which maybe be why I chose this template, subliminally...) Moving on, I made these bracelets out of soda tabs and lanyard string, pretty simple to do and an easy way to make money, but not the point. Joey got the very, very, very first pop tab bracelet that I have ever made! It was kind of falling apart... but it was theeeee original.<3 The ring I was wearing is clear with a daisy painted on the inside, so it looked amazing on my finger. Sadly, that ring broke and lies somewhere in my things at Joey's house. The reason I chose this photo is for the simple fact that it was when I was completely happy with him, and it'll always be a part of me. But I feel good that I'm here now, in Virginia. "You started losing your identity..." I was told. I want to define myself and we're both young, after all "we have all the day in the world!"
     These are a few of the other photographs I was going to put on the right side of that adorable little girl:
I took the photos of the bird(s) January twenty-seventh, two-thousand and ten at a Sonic (the eatery) in San Antonio, Texas. I want to say it was downtown, but I'm not sure if that exact location would be considered to be downtown San Antonio. I believe this Sonic location was near the book place I mentioned earier. It was just a normal day out, Joey and I. Just something to get us out of the confines of our tiny house.(:
     The sticky note wall was a Christmas slash welcome home present. Guess who made it? Ha, you already knew, didn't you? Yes, Joey. I visited my dad for Christmas of 2009 and I got this upon my return to Texas. It must have taken a lot of time and apparently a lot of sticky notes! I don't remember if I cried when I saw it or not, but I feel like I did. If you can tell, this photo is two photographs combined into one. I did not chose this photo as my blog header because I didn't think that greyscale would do it justice so I didn't even give it a second thought. I could never put any shame to this artwork, it's too beautiful to disort.
     And although today is Turkey Day, I do not want to discuss it. I was rather quiet and kept to myself today. I think I will try to prefect the appearance of my blog by messing with the html. Adios!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A hard day's work... for most of us.

     Half day at school means one hour blocks, pretty close to what I'm used to. Mhm, Texas.<3 Well that really isn't today's discussion; it just kinda leads in to it chronologically. My seat on the bus was empty because the person who typically keeps the left side warm was on her way to the Bueso residence. At noon, Ligia arrived at my house, as planned, to begin our new "business" of raking people's yards! Yaaaaaayyyy.
     At twelve thirty, Ligia, Pablo, and myself started the treacherous journey to find a homeowner who was willing to have the three of us rake leaves from their yard, for the low price of ten dollars! After three or four initial rejections, we came across a man who was planning on raking his yard today anyway! What perfect timing we had and thus we commenced! When we nearly finished raking up the entire front yard, the man offered to pay an additional fifteen dollars if we would rake the backyard as well. Of course, being the eager youngsters we are, agreed with excitement. Twenty-five dollars is what this yard was worth so far, and boy were we happy! Once we started to get into the backyard, Kasey and Dennis (who I did not expect to see and who volunteered) came and started bagging leaves... slowly... Jared called me and joined in on the awesome raking action and also earned two dollars. Time passed and all of a sudden we were done. "Thank you guys so much," the lady said, "We were going to do this today anyway, but we completely under estimated the amount of work that there was to do! We're having guests over for Thanksgiving tomorrow and you have saved out lives." It made me smile to feel like I had done such a great service for that lovely couple. I had a few fail moments in that yard, but the funniest one was, "Wait! Dennis is still in the backyard!" And he was just a Kasey away... FAIL! The guy threw in another twenty dollars making our grand total a whooping forty-five dollars in just one yard!
     The next yard made everyone enthralled because the leaves were so big and easy to rake up! Who wouldn't be excited about that??? Ha ha ha. Well, the man took our offer of ten dollars to do the front and when he saw the great job we were doing, he offered an additional twenty five to do the back too. Monetary total: eighty big ones! Matt joined as a volunteer as we finished up the back yard. It was sad though because it seem that when the leaf blower stopped, so did everyone else... slowly the slacking and coldness began and the back yard ended up looking half-assed. Jared left halfway into this yard and Kasey, Ligia, and Dennis retired to Kasey's house because it was too cold. Fine. More money for me and Pablo, eh?
     Two more houses said no, two said come back another day, one said yes. He took our ten dollar offer and we began raking. That man had the largest leave covered front yard I have seen! It took along time to get it done but the three of us did it: Matt, Pablo, and myself. The man ended up paying twenty dollars. Not because he wanted to, but because he didn't have any tens. I guess we kind of lucked out on that part...
     Presently, I am exhausted. I want to roll over and sleep for years. I'm too tired to shower, just gonna get in something warm and knock the hell out. Oh and I said I love you first. Good night blogger world.

P.S. The pay was apportioned to the time each person worked and how well they did. So don't be all upset with your pay, you get what you deserve. Thank you volunteers! And somethings else... but I forgot! BYE!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Skyscrapers have faults too

     A few minutes ago, I wrote Kasey a little poem which she found really cute so I'll probably quote it in another entry, just not today. Anyhow, I think things are going pretty swell for the most part.
     I began writing a descriptive essay (minimum of 500 words), it begins "The room was still and as cold as winter, just the way he liked it. 'Bzzzt, bzzzt," whispered the air conditioning unit as our breaths brought in the room's only warmth. This little house of ours was laden with his favorite scent, the thick smell of dust. And as I sat at the high bar-style table, I watched him push up his superglue remedied glasses and sweep his freshly cut hair from his face with his pinky fingers." I'll post the whole story as I finish but until then, topic change!
     It was weird to watch them fight because, although I have heard of it, I had never witnessed it first hand. I don't really have any idea what the argument was about but I felt like, for just a moment, she and I were going through the same thing. I don't particularly like this person of whom I speak but I felt as though I could talk to multiple people about somethings... and she would be the only one to understand in the sense I imply it. So even with my sheer dislike of her, I feel somewhat compelled to become her friend and end the monster within. I think I'll write a note and see if anything happens from there, maybe I'm sticking my nose to far in... but it can't hurt to try to make a female friend, can it?
     Speaking of friends, it's ridiculous that I find that my friend ratio of boys to girls (in the Virginia area) is about 5:1. It's kind of strange but I do not know how to become friends with a girl by myself. I met Kasey because my father and I met Ligia because Kasey. I've met other girls through other friends, but none that I fit with right. Making a female companion is like cooking: if you don't put the right portions of ingredients, the end result will be horrible. No one wants to eat horrible food, except when the cook is nodding eagerly about their self-proclaimed "amazing dish". Though Kasey, Ligia, and I will begin the initial workings of our fall/winter business: LEAF RAKING!
     We've got it all planned out: leaf-blower, raker, and leaf bagger! BAM! Ten dollar per yard I believe and we'll alternate jobs. It's a great way for all of us to spend time together and earn some cash! (Let's just hope people want to pay us to rake their leaves!) Well it's time to shower and call it a night. Sleep well blogger world;<3

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lost in slumber

     I dreamt of having a giant timeline on my wall, of what I don't remember, but it was of quite some importance. These people and I rearranged the timeline countless times until it reached the point of near perfection, I suppose. A girl said to me, "Bad dreams come from your stuffed animals being upside down." That line really took me by surprise, I didn't think little things like that had that much impact. This is kind of silly, but I want to test that theory, ha ha ha! I'll report my results in another blog entry.
     Moving on, yesterday was quite a day. Well not really. I wanted to be alone, sometimes I get tired of always being surrounded by people. I took the dogs for a walk by myself and instead of the normal petty chatter I was used to, I looked around and really admired my surroundings. I watched a few leaves, carried by the wind, glide down from their tree and softly touch the ground. I noted to variety of leave colors that my Texas eyes were not used to seeing. And I'd close my eyes and take deep breaths and open them to reveal the vast beauty of this land called Virginia Beach. I put the dogs away and decided that I still wanted to be alone.
     I took some chalk and walked to the ugly tennis court by the park, my mission was to draw. Alana from the art institute told me that drawing was something that could be taught, so I tried my luck and I think it was a success. Just so you know, drawing in chalk is far from the easiest thing because it takes at lot of spit and a lot of rubbing that spit to erase anything. I think that the drawing accurately represents me (except I parted the hair the wrong way) and this is sort of my motivation to practice getting better at uhhh... drawing!
     Later on in the day, Kasey met up with me and eventually Den, Lee, Big L, Pablo, and Charmander. Mhm, a lot of people on my day alone. No big deal though. Just kept to myself most of the time, listening to my iPod. I think the end of the day was the best though...
     Laying on the fallen leaves, looking up at the stars. It was beautiful and cold and I believe it was only six-ish. I walked home and the day pretty much ended, I watched The Bounty Hunter with Heather and my dad, then went upstairs, played two games of free cell, then went to sleep. That's when my timeline dream began. Good morning.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

An oasis in the desert

     Bittersweet is the perfect word, or as Señora Jones said "mal dulces" or bad candy. (She meant it in the way of bad but sweet).
     Today, my father and I took a tour of the Art Institute of Virginia Beach. I don't know how else to put it except that I feel as though it's a perfect fit for me. Though, nothing is set in stone until January. It feels completely new and breathtaking, like standing at the foot of a summit and looking up to see how tiny and insignificant you really are. And in the same token, it's as refreshing as the breath out of you mouth right after you have brushed your teeth. Not all factors are this interesting, unfortunately.
     You seem to love me when you're in a good mood and that upsets me. Some days I deserve the world and others I deserve nothing, some days I'm cute because I act like a kid and others I'm childish and need to grow up, some days I'm selfish and adorable and others I'm self-centered and stupid. I can't be everything but I am someone, and that person is simply Passíon.
     I'm tired of pleasing everyone, it's my time now. And I'm going to accomplish everything and anything to make me happy. I'd like you to be the hand holding mine, doing something you love... We'll see. We shall see.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


     For the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm doing something right and productive. I'm not sure of the outcome and all that jazz but it's exciting. I'm holding fast to this feeling because it seems... I don't know the word, uh... GREAT??? Ha, I'm not sure. I haven't been this excited about much in a while and I know I haven't been blogging so much recently. It's hard to find the time between studying, projects, and socializing; but I digress.
     I feel like I'm on top of the world and it feels so silly but I'm a cloud. I have a good thing going and it's so new. A newness I haven't felt, ever. I guess all I can do is keep doodling and smiling a stupid when people look at me funny. Holy BeJesus, it's great! I don't know how I can better convey the complete and utter felicity I feel streaming through my veins. I'm getting a vehicle soon and it just seems like all the pieces are falling so perfectly together! Well I don't have much more to say about anything except that is definitely worth checking out and is a fun little site to figure out what to call your quirky little fears. Well it's I'm done with this. I'll make sure to blog more often. Good night!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunflowers still wilt

     I am, for the time being, back to my cute self. You make me smile and cry all the same. I hope this will last, though I'm not sure if it will. It's already starting to fade and it's only just begun. You can plant the seeds to grow a sunflower but it won't grow without your patience, and mine.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dreaming up nightmares

     It's strange. Everything felt like a dream to begin with just to turn sour in the end. You surprised me. I didn't know what to think. Things started to flow like corn syrup from a jar: smooth yet thick. One day. Just one day. And that corn syrup got all over the floor and made a huge sticky mess. A mess with purpose, though. But it seems everything is misinterpreted, as always.
     To my father, I am headed down the path of being seventeen and pregnant. He thinks that after I graduate or whatever, that I'm gonna get pregnant and do nothing with my life. I have no ambitions, but to be a mother, and I highly doubt I have the capabilities to do that. Not necessarily that I won't be a good mom but more like my body wouldn't be able to handle it. I think of that a lot, but that's for another day. I've been trying to tell my father that I don't want to go to college and that I don't want to join the military but "doing nothing" is not an option. He says I'm setting the bar too low and that I need to form some expectations for myself. I do have an expectation: I expect myself to graduate from high school, no GED or whatever, but a full on high school diploma. After that I don't know what I'm gonna do, I just know that I'm not stupid. I will do something when I'm ready; but right now, I'm not. I'm tired of everyone pressuring me to make something of myself when I there is nothing more I want to do than work at Target. I'm sorry that it's not enough for you, father. I'm sorry I'm not your perfect, educated son. I'm sorry I'm not who you want me to be. I'm just your fuck-up of a daughter.
     Besides being, no wait, I'm a fuck-up to pretty much everyone. Yep. Sorry world, I'm not a functional member of society. Maybe after I graduate I'll lose contact with the vast majority of the people that care, how does that sound? I'll end like Chris McCandless: dead somewhere in the middle of Alaska. Mhm, and I hope you think great of me then. I hope by then that I will have made you proud. All of you.
     Too bad I care too much to let myself die and lose contact with you, even if all I do is disappoint you. I care a lot. Too much for my own good. But on the bright side, I fixed the bracelet. I wish that when I go to sleep I will awaken from this nightmarish dream, and if I do, I'll remember to tell you to stay. Please stay, I'm more trouble than I'm ever worth. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry everyone.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Men and their vehicular pride

     I didn't blog yesterday and I don't remember how I felt so I'll probably shift between the two a lot in this entry. So I'll start with whatever comes to mind.
     My ears have been burning a lot lately, especially the right. I wonder who's doing all the talking. Oh, speaking of talking, I had a flashback moment because of what happened yesterday. Kasey, Matt, and I were walking past Food Lion (keep in mind that Matt has a huge rock in his hand, don't ask why). So we were minding our own business and Matt raises the rock to this guy's car who is driving past us; the guy looks like a typical prick, wanna-be surfer dude, and he gets out of his vehicle. "You got something to say?" Matt looks at him like 'whatever' and says no dude. The prick guy starts calling Matt names and thinks he's all cool by talking down on a kid in front of his girlfriend (who was really impressed). We kept walking and the guy took the time to loop around and talk more mierda. Lame guy with nothing better to do but talk crap to kids. -_-
    The flashback that the previous situation reminds me of is one day at dollar theatre with Chance and Andy. I think this was the day that we put the Black Panther CD on, top volume, and the first song began with a woman singing, "We will not back down... from RACISM!" The vehicle next to us was a African American person with their windows rolled down, classic. Ha ha ha. Moving on, we were close the theatre and Andy was kinda swerving for a reason I cannot remember. Well this guy in front of us got upset and when we turned into the theatre parking after us. We got out of Andy's car and started our way to the front of the building, and just then the guy pulls up next to us. "What the ****? You ****ing kids..." Blah blah blah. Andy was being real serious with him and I couldn't help but want to laugh. "Go what your damn movie, see what happens when you get out!" The three of us looked at Andy's car and I was near tears. The guy sped off and I said, "What is he gonna do? Give you a paint job?" Ha ha ha, oh well. Today, there isn't much more I want to say. Goodnight

Monday, November 8, 2010

Voltorb and Electrode, Self-Destructive Pokémon

     It was a great day, it really was. It wasn't school that made me explode, it was the events that followed getting off te bus...
     Apparently its wrong to get upset when some one is constantly hitting you. Oh wait, I mean "playing". I am soooo sorry that I don't find the humor in getting hit repeatedly with your beanie and hands. MY BAD. But I believe that I had every right to be mad. And you know what? I'm very happy at how easily you can drop me, when I do everything in my power to hold on. I care about you and our friendship, but if you can't even apologize, I think I'm wasting my time. The funny thing about me, though, is that I keep caring long after my logic says not to. So here I am. Waiting. I figured that I'm never enough. Well, we both know that. And like I said, I'm waiting. Hoping I'll be enough. Pretending I'm so goddamn great, so goddamn great.
     I cried and went to the garage after blowing up at you, I punched the walls, then I sat alone in the middle of the floor, giving myself time to attain composure. I was okay, for a while.
     You called me. You asked me-- no, you told me to go home. You said I have no emotion and that I don't care. That my heart in an envelope is not enough. I'm never enough for anyone and I want to do the impossible: make everyone happy. And you...
     You still make me happy. And all the arguing is futile and I'm glad that we always stray from it. It is very unlike us. It's not us at all.
     My grandma called me; the things she said made me smile. We spoke of greedy children after Christmas and love. She's the only one that has faith in me. Well, beside ourselves.
     On other things, I have a irreplaceable best friend. No one can top this friend of mine. I mean, sometimes she doesn't listen to me and other times she's really mean; but she's still my best friend and I love her to death. If you don't know who I'm talking about, I speak (well type) about Kasey. She's always there for me and I hope she knows that I'm always here (where ever I am) for her. I love her with all my heart and never in my life have I had a better best friend.<3
     There are other things swimming around in my head, I've been having a lot of flashbacks. Flashbacks are weird. It's a different expierence than what you would expect. It's mind-blowing actually. They were talking about Christmas presents that they were told not to open until the 25th (of December, obviously). It made me remember when I lived in Japan. Marky Chase handed me a box and said "Do not open this until Christmas day". I placed it under the tree and waited day by day, wondering what it held inside. Some days I'd hold it in my hand and imagine the contents. Other days I'd shake it, hoping to tell what it was by the sound. Christmas morning I woke up early and opened the tiny white box and pulled out a necklace whose charm appeared to be a marijuana plant (lol) with the wrong amout of leaves. It was sort of clover-like in a off green color, on a yellow-gold chain. I remember admiring it for a long time. I hope I can find it some day. But that isn't the only flashback I've been having, just the only one I'm going to share with you. Goodbye.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daylight savings is humanity taking a loan from time

     Slow day. I spent the majority of last night on the phone, after being called sweetie by a girl. Not in a lesbian manner, but in the manner which is used to insult. I slept in and I think daylight savings had nothing to do with it.
     Speaking of daylight savings... It's a ridiculous event. Sure we gain an hour of sleep but in the long run, was that one hour worth losing one in spring? I don't think so. And it is lovely to go outside and it's light in the morning, isn't it? Yeah well I much rather have it lighter later in the day so I'm not afraid to stay outside at five o'clock. Daylight savings is this stupid idea that humanity can control time by asking it for a loan. The funny thing about loans is that you have to pay them back and, oddly enough, we go through this ridiculous process every year. But I digress.
     Today I spent a little time with Kasey before she went to her grandparents, and the rest of the time with Pablo. Pablo and I made art out of a canvas, paint, and trash bags. We named it "Unicorns" then spent quite some time identifying small objects within the whole. We came to my house and did extravagant math problems to figure out how much seconds are necessary in an hour for my wrist watch to gain one minute everyday. It was complex but interesting. Later, we played a game on my mini fridge where we took turns drawing small doodles to make a grand picture. Quite enthralling. I started drawing everyone I know in stick figure form but I'm far from finished. After Pablo left, Heather, my dad, and I headed to watch the Greenbay Packers play the Dallas Cowboys.
     I didn't really want to go but you know, what could I do? I wasn't too hungry when we got there so I ate a little here and there. I socialized a bit. I sat. I drank sweet tea. I nibbled on things here and there. I played with my iPhone for quite a while. I started falling asleep so it was decided that we return home. I had been trying to type this while I was over at the house of Packer's fans, but it just wasn't the same. I like the feel of my computer keys. It is time to call it a night though, I will see you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Almost tomorrow, yet today is never ending

     Sometimes it feels as though nothing goes right even when it's going swell. Today was uneventful. I mean, I did go out and do something... it just didn't feel like it. It felt like nothing was accomplished whatsoever. I woke up at five o'clock this morning and I have yet to sleep. I'm very tempted to take a fist to my face. Tempted. But I digress.
     This morning started off slowly. Thinking about whether I should go back to sleep or not, after all, I would not be leaving my house until 7:20. I read all I was required to know about taking the SAT test this morning. I had my two (mechanical) pencils, a White Pearl eraser, my TI-84 Plus calculator,  my SAT admission ticket, a fruit roll-up, and my wallet which contained the necessary photograph identification card. The fact that my pencils were mechanical is a very important factor because I had multiple warnings against using them.
     On the SAT admission ticket: "Leave the following prohibited items at home- you cannot use them while at the test center: mechanical pencil... etc". The test booklet and answer documents also warned me more than once, as did the test administrator and the writing which remained on the blackboard for the duration of about four hours. I refuse to write with regular everyday pencils: they smell repulsive, breakage means you have to take the time to sharpen them, and generally, the erasers are terrible. Well we shall soon find out if mechanical pencil really doesn't work on the SAT test. (I wonder if I am allowed to discuss this on the internet, we were specifically told not to use any type of media to discuss the test... Ah, I think I'm okay. I'm not discussing questions or answers or anything of that nature.)
     Back to the testing experience: Timed shtuff, you know. I'm antsy. I sit with my legs up in my seat because the feeling of my feet touching the ground is disturbing. I'm easily distracted. I don't believe I did so well but we shall see in the time to come. I finished testing at about one o'clock and then went to go deal with some cellular business concerning my phone plan.
     It's quite a story, the background of why I was at the at&t store, so I shall begin. I moved to Virginia to live with my father, whom I have never spent more than a vacation's time with. I was previously a resident of Texas, in the custody of my mother but it is difficult to say with whom I lived with, that story is for another day. Well back on track, my mother didn't want to pay for my phone bill anymore; for various reasonable reasons (ha, reasonable reasons) including me not living with her. (But of course!) Well my father had been putting this off for a while. "Next weekend," he'd say or "You didn't remind me..." Well today was finally the day. Right after SAT testing, I was inside a small at&t sales center. For a long while, my father and the man named Cody talked about how difficult it would be for my phone to get transferred to his account, then later to tell us that it was quite impossible if I wanted to keep my own number. Then we found out that my line was the primary line of my mother's account. How strange, ha ha ha. Well that went on. My phone is still under my mother's plan but my father plans to pay her the fifty dollars a month it costs to keep my phone line alive. Then it was chow time. Yummy.
     Schlotzsky's Deli. It wasn't my choice of an eatery but everyone else wanted it. I chose the Thai chicken pizza, for no particular reason, and it was enjoyable. The day dragged on because I had to preform daily tasks: shower, fix hair, walk dogs, etc. Boring. It wasn't until around 5 o'clock that something actually happened.
     Kasey and I asked Mister Greg for a lift to Pembroke Mall. We spent a good amount of time in Hot Topic searching for Christmas presents for our friends. Eventually we made our way to the movie theatre where we watched that Facebook movie "The social network". It was okay. I would not spend money to go see it in the theatre, which I did not. (I had passes) Anyhow, the best part of the movie was the whole forced cannibalism and chicken thing. Kasey missed the BEST part. Six out of thirteen Christmas presents have been purchased today. And after getting picked up by Misses Kasey's Mom, my day ended and I founded this. Oh, and ate a lot of Halloween candy. I will probably run it off tomorrow. Goodnight.