Before I get to this current goal, I have completed Goal #69: Model (again) but I'll post it when they send me the official photographs so you get the whole nine yards. :D And now, my license!
I was excited as ever to get my license. I woke up long before either of my alarms went off--nervous energy, I suppose. Time seemed to pass so slowly as I got ready, ate breakfast, and waited for my dad. We practiced parallel parking beforehand, just incase I was tested on it, and then we made our way to a Virginia DMV.
Papa and I talked to the receptionist who claimed that I wouldn't need to take the driving test. My dad and I were skeptical because we both knew that I hadn't taken the test, but she insisted that I just needed my photograph taken and a temporary license would be issued.
To pass the time, Papa and I made fun of the people around us like "poofy-hair dude" and "dirty sweater guy!" We even started making one of the "Real Men of Genius" commercials for the dirty sweater guy. It would go something like this:
"Budwiser Presents Real Men of Genius, (Real Men of Genius) Today we salute you Mister dirty white sweater wearer guy. (Dirty white shirt wearer guy) When out in public your sweater says, "Hey world, this guy is a human carpet."(Bleach won't save you)"Something like that ha ha ha.(: Well after being up at the counter for half an hour and sitting patiently for another half hour, we were told that I would need to take the driving test after all. (KNEW IT!) I was anxious but not afraid, I had full confidence in myself and it paid off! I got minus two overall, after stopping a wee bit passed the sign and not changing lanes properly. I wasn't comfortable and wasn't going to endanger the lady so, you know. I think I did the right thing. She said she was surprised at how good of a driver I was with my age, ha ha. Don't underestimate me!(:<
Now I wait! My hard copy will arrive in the mail sometime before the end of May, until then, I'm rocking this baby!