I'm nearly an adult yet I still wish on eyelashes, dandelion puffs, and the first star in the sky at night. I ask for advice from 8-balls, horoscopes, and fortune cookies. I cry as the result of my thoughts, my dreams, and the small things people say. I'm nowhere near being grown-up.
I mean look at me, I'm five feet tall and a senior in high school. (This is the part where you chuckle to yourself.)
On a serious note, I enjoy the happiness. But who doesn't? Just to clarify though, I'm not talking about happiness. I speak of the happiness. The happiness and happiness are two completely different ideas. Happiness can be derived from anything, anything. Someone smiling at you can make you experience happiness. Finding a ten dollar bill on the ground can allow you to experience happiness. The happiness is what you feel between the people you're around, there's nothing more I can say to explain it.
The happiness is just the happiness.