I'm excited. More excited than I have been for a while, more excited than when I had the epiphany to go to the Art Institute to become an interior designer. There so much that I do not want to wait for but want to at the same time... the suspense is killing me but I like it so much!
Very early on the morning of December 22nd, I will be making my way (via plane) to my home in San Antonio, Texas. I will not return to Virginia Beach until January 3rd, the anniversary of the birth of my mother. I will see friends that I haven't seen since June, and boy I'm enthralled! Though it's not only winter vacation that I'm thrilled about.
Summer! This is my final year of high school and it's amazing yet intimidating to see it come to an end so quickly... I have a vehicle, I'll have my summer vacation driving around the states, and then it's off to college in October. Dang. There's so much I want to do!
I don't have to look fantastic to take the
world by storm, I'll just do it! |
I was looking into the Peace Corps as an assignment from my journalism class and it's pretty dang spiffy! I was thinking of trying the Cross Country Service (CCS) program first. There are some major differences between CCS and the Peace Corps, though the biggest being the length of time required to stay in a foreign country. For the Peace Corps, you are required to spend two years in another country and an additional three months for training prior to departure; versus CCS whose stays are from one to twelve weeks, so no more than three months. I think I would first try twelve weeks in the CCS program to make sure I had the dedication for the Peace Corps. These thoughts have motivated me to begin thinking about making a bucket list.
Sure, I'm only seventeen, but I want to live life! I want to experience everything from climbing mountains to eating something whose name I cannot pronounce. I think in my next post I will put up my bucket list and I'll go back and cross through things as I complete them. I love this blog. Gee-whiz, I feel free!