Thursday, June 28, 2012

An elderly mind

     As I was driving home from work today, I came to the conclusion that my mind is old. I mean, I've come to this conclusion before but this time the thought persisted. Enough to make me want to blog about it. I was subconsciously taking note of how I respond to people in certain situations, specifically of the love/like category, and I felt like my responses were somewhat inappropriate for one of my position.
     For example, a co-worker of mine has a crush on me. While helping this co-worker clean another co-worker's table, a little boy passed by, waved, and thanked me. After the boy left, I stated that, "Little kids are the cutest things ever." So the co-worker with the crush said, "I could say the same thing about you." I know he meant that in the sweetest way possible but my mind perceived it as humorous. It was as if I was this woman, so much older than he, listening to a teenage boy's attempt to compliment the prettiest girl in class.
     This whole "elderly mind" thing is pretty funny though, given that I'm blessed (or cursed) with the structure of what many believe to be a twelve-year-old girl. A mind so old in a body so young... It must be mockery of some sort! For what happens when my mind passes? Am I left? Or am I just a beautiful shell, left to rot? Or does the state of my mind determine the fate of my body? Quite possibly, it is the other way around.

Regardless, I am Passíon and will remain as such until my mind grows too weary to carry on.