Just so you know, this was all a dream. Or rather---a nightmare. It occured between 5:45 am and 6:16 am.
I was driving around, not knowing where I was headed, and stumbled upon a small town. The first thing that caught my attention was this building that I thought was a mall. The building was large yet rather empty, I assumed that it was vacant because it was newly built or something of that nature. Interested, I decided to sneak a peek just to find that the place was open.
I wandered around the empty building in awe, the beauty of the emptiness was indescrible. Finally I reached the back of the building which looked rather out of place as opposed to the rest. What I saw was what appeared to be the entrance or back door of someone's home. I entered this "home", curious as to why it was just sitting there at the back of the mall.
As I entered the building, I realized that it was a home but the owner was nowhere to be found. I browsed the area in search for anything of interest and came across a tank with a lizard in it. The lizard was stuffed and the water in the tank was that clear stuff people use for fake flowers in vases. I crouched down to the level of the tank and noted that the lizard looked as though he was about to emerge from the water. All of a sudden, the lizard came out of the water and just as I screamed he returned to his original position. I was frightened and wanted to get as far away from this mall-house as I could; but when I found the door, a family of three walked in.
A man, his wife, and thier 22-year-old son walked inside the front entrance of the house. The family was slightly starttled to see me, but we all started talking and things eased up. We discussed the history of the house and its owner which is how I learned the mystery behind the mall-house combination.
"He was an old man," the wife said, "and the corporate monsters wanted his house. He refused to give up his property so the local government decreed it acceptable to combine and merge any buildings that could be valuable to the corporations--"
"Mom, you know how I love your stories," the son interrupted, "but I think I'm going to go use the facilities."
"You go ahead and do that dear. But the man ended up killing himself in this very house and to this day it is rumored to be haunted." I sighed, as if the lizard occurance didn't scare me enough, this news of the previous owner killing himself was kind of overwhelming.
"Honey, I'm hungry," the husband stated, "I'm going to see what this old gesyer has to eat."
Just then my cell phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID to see that it was Charmander. "Hello," I answered as I picked up the phone. There was no response on the other side, just the sound of hard sobbing. "What's wrong?"
Right after I asked, a commercial started playing through our phones. The commercial was advertising the knife that the old man used to kill himself, which went something like this: "This is B.F. Knifes Company calling to tell you that B.F. Knifes are the way to go if you want to 'get the job done'... B.F. Knifes has been around for... A company you can trust with your life... Buy one today!"
"What the fuck are you doing Passíon? Do you think that's funny?"
"No Charmander, not at all! I'm not doing anything, I promise!"
"Well stop it! It's not funny! Can't you see I'm having a tough enough time without you teasing me about killing myself!"
"I'm not doing anything, I'm sorry!!!!"
The phone call ended and I heard the wife mutter something about how her son is taking long in the restroom and she is worried. The husband comes in with two Ziploc containers of baked beans with a slice of cheese on top and says, "Don't worry baby, he's probably just taking a shit." He hands me a Ziploc container and I politely refuse, stating that I don't like baked beans. "Me either," he replied, "I was making spaghetti." Confused, I came to the conclusion that the former owner of this house ate nothing but baked beans toped with a slice of cheese.
The wife panicked and ran to the bathroom to save her babyboy from whatever ailed him. "Nooo!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Don't open the bathroom door, it will just suck you in like your son..." She ignored me and flung the door open and tried to keep it there; but once she stepped inside the bathroom, the door slammed behind her. She was trapped and I figured that her husband and I were trapped too. I panicked and screamed so much that I bolted myself awake...