This weekend has treated me well and I'm pretty happy about it, of course there has been some minor upsets but that's all in an average weekend. Overall, I'm happy. I mean, things could always be better but this is the best I've felt in a while. Somethings have stood out amongst the rest this weekend... which I will now explain to you.
This photo was taken on March 1st, 2010. Joey's hand (top) and my hand in the first two soda tab bracelets I ever made. |
On Friday, I made sure I did all my work and kept my section of tables clean, so I could leave IHOP early and help Jasmine, Justin, Andrea, and Joey's mom make soda tab bracelets. I love Joey's mom and the kids, but Joey found a way to sour my visit. He asked me to stay out of his room and the little house that we used to live in together, and I respected that completely; I wasn't there to nose through his stuff. He then proceeded to call his mother and Jasmine to make sure they keep me out of his things.
It made me really mad. I mean, I don't expect him to trust me but I expect him to understand that when I respect what he has requested of me and that I was not going to go through his things. I called him and explained this to him and he replied, "Last time, you didn't tell me you were going to the little house to take your stuff."
"Well that same day before I got my things, you left the room I was in... as if my presence was such a bother to you!" I half yelled, trying to keep my cool.
"Well... it kinda does bother me!"
I started shaking and Jasmine started crying. I said goodbye then hung up. It was really upsetting that someone could make me feel so angry for something so minuscule. What hurt the worst was that the fact that my presence bothers Joey made Jasmine upset. I love that girl so much, but Joey and I are just not going to work out. I really don't want us to work out, not now.
He left a note jammed between my car door and the panel. Here it is:
Top right: "Best any small trace of my humor can be."
Top center (bubble): "Can't believe I'm named after a blue box."
Left center (under cat): "Since you like cats."
Bottom: "If you remember these than you'll understand a lil bit why its
hard to even say hi to you. Let alone anything I really wanna tell you.
Good luck in Arizona. Wish you the best. See you round Doll.'"
A depiction of him asking me,
"Baby, where are my steampunk goggles?"
It made me smile and upset all the same, but that just like any flash from the past will do. I'm supposed to see a movie with the kids this upcoming weekend and play some Animal Crossing too. A lot walking down memory lane went on this weekend, 'specially with those kids. We've all been through a lot together, but one thing that practically broke my heart was ever so simple. Justin brought out a letter I had written to him in Summer 2010. In it I had written, "see you in thirty days." Justin looked at me and said, "And then you never came back. You lied to us." I know he was only giving me a hard time but it hurt. It hurt my heart to lie to him, even though it was unintentionally.
I tried to stay as long as I could but the kids were getting tired and Joey's mom wanted me to leave so the kids would be willing to go to bed. I hugged them all for quite a while and I read the little note before I left. I mused about the past then started up Carl and made my way back home, thinking many thoughts all the way.
I passed out almost immediately once I got home and had a nice dream about Robert. It was just as intricate as any other dream but I don't feel like sharing it at this point.
I worked for an hour on Saturday which was really lame so I ended up making Robert's mom's Christmas gift and hanging out with Brandon, one of the IHOP cooks, until I took him to work.
The gift, a bouquet of origami tulips in a tissue paper mosaic vase.
I used tissue paper from Victoria's Secret, Iron Fist shoes, and this glittery one a co-worker gave me. I bought the floral stems and moss stem tape from Hobby Lobby for about six dollars, the vase was a dollar at the dollar tree, and I learned how to make origami flowers from It's a pretty simple project. I just need some of that Styrofoam type stuff so the flowers stay in place.
Today was great! Shot some paint ball with Brandon, Sid, and Cali. Went to this awesome indoor flea market and scored these super awesome communications cards from way back when. I'm planning on turning them into postcards, and I'll post photos when I make 'em. (Cali and I are pretty excited bout them, ha ha.) And I'll finish this post with a couple of photos from today.
This is Anubis.
She's really cute and really hyper.
And possibly a lesbian, ha ha.
I think she's a miniature greyhound.
Mike, another IHOP server and friend of mine, joined us later.
Anubis liked the warmth of his jacket.
So cute, lol.
Cali gave me a moose...
'cause I was sorta obsessing over cute ones we saw at the flea market.
Ets suh adorabhulll!
P.S. I just remembered something. On the refrigerator at Brandon's house, they have a zodiac thingamajig and it said that for the rooster, 2011 was expected to be a terrible year. And you know, it's only been half bad. The page advised roosters to wear jade and carry a lucky Buddha. *Sigh* I really miss my pocket Buddha. On the bright side, he's with someone who needs the luck. I can't complain, goodnight.