Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I shattered her heart when I uttered the truth

     I finally did it. I finally mustered the courage and strength it took to say the things I've been meaning to say for such a long time. I told Part Two exactly what she didn't want to hear and yet, she wanted to know. It was like she was waiting for an outside source to confirm what she already feared. As I told her, face to face, just the surface of what had happened, she looked at me eagerly, almost expectantly. When I told her that there was a brief time in the summer, she ran away crying.
     My heart hurt after seeing that but I still made my way to class. "I told her," I said to Brandon. He was surprised and quite frankly, so was I. I went to class and I talked about it and felt like I needed to tell her everything, not just what I had addressed in person.
     When I got home I sent her a message on facebook (I know, how square) and confessed everything. I typed the original note to the T. And then we discussed it and what she was going to do, she broke up with him. And oddly enough, I feel a new closeness to her. Even though I caused a mess, I was there to clean it up when it got bad.
     I feel a little stronger now, like I've accomplished a terrible task that needed to be done. I can't help but to feel sorrow in my heart as well... It's as though I know I've done right with this but I can't help but feel bad for the situation. I hope everything gets better for Part Two and that Part One suffers as much as she did.
Time to start from square one.