Monday, May 14, 2012

Further than we were but not as far as we want to be

     Hello there, Blogger world. I've missed your company quite a bit. I've been on twitter all the time but it's just not the same as this. It's quicker and easier, but 140 characters could never replace the feeling I get when I blog.
     I see there's been a lot of cosmetic changes to Blogger and I can only hope that they do not keep me from continuing to post on a regular basis. (Which I soon hope to reestablish.) The only thing I hope to do now is update you on my position in life, along with other related events.

     As I type this I am sitting on the floor of my bedroom, leaning up against my bed with my feet touching the dresser in front of me. My room is finally clean and the carpet finally free of random piles of paper and crafts. The only thing that remains in disarray is my dresser top, full of scatter items collectively entitled "miscellaneous."
     Across the hall are the sleeping quarters of my dear friend, co-worker, and roommate Jena. She'll have been here three weeks Tuesday. That's relatively new, having a roommate. It's not weird at all and it makes things a lot easier since I wrecked my vehicle a while back during what I like to call a Tuesdaycation.
     The vehicle is not much to talk about so here's the run-down: On the way to the beach for Tuesdaycation. Bad/distracted/scared driving. Veering into the road. Over-correction. Landing in a ditch. The damage to the vehicle plus existing problems make the vehicle not worth repairing. Sell it to a salvage yard for about half a grand. No human injury, just life experience. Life goes on.
     Tuesdaycation was a thing "the guys" (who no longer attend) and I came up with. Do you recall this post? Justin and Mark, those are "the guys." I had randomly decided to invite them to go to Corpus with me and would just pick a place and go for all of Tuesday. It's a pretty cool concept actually, to just leave to world behind you for one day a week. It's something I try to do often. Jena has be my co-pilot for these adventure at for at least a month and a half now.
     My plans have changed to a certain degree now that I have to invest in a new vehicle. My overall plans are the same but they just have been pushed back a year. And in the year I am to stay in Texas, I'm going to attend a community college (or take online course) to have some education on my record for when I apply to SUVA later on. I've been moved to the morning shift at IHOP, for good. Which is exciting as it's the shift that makes more money, overall. (Today I made $111 and even got bored sometimes...) I hope to have a new vehicle by the end of the summer, but I can hold off until the end of the year if necessary. I think that if I take online courses that I'll be more motivated to blog as well. I'm not as easily distracted as most are on the computer.
     On a final note, I'm excitedly (yet patiently) awaiting more details as to Robert's visit. The dates are all I need to know so I can take days off to spend with him. I'm extremely enthralled because it will be the first time he's ever been in my room in the two and a half years that we've known each other. The idea of him being in this space that's just so.... completely mine, makes me happy and nervous all the same. It just has to be perfect, or well... I want it to be.

     Well goodnight Bloggers and Blog-readers, see you around the bend.~