Sunday, April 10, 2011

As organized as a new puzzle

     I can't keep myself together. I get upset over the most miniscule things. I get annoyed so terribly easy. I get frustrated to the point of crying. But on the flip side I get so happy over the slightest remarks. I laugh hard at the simplest things. I get excited to the point of suppressed screaming and bouncing around. It doesn't make sense, but I suppose that most things don't.
     I'm smart, good with words and such and yet I'm always trying to understand. I want to know why you think one thing over the other. I want to understand how certain things make you feel. I want to know the reasoning behind your strong beliefs and opinions. I'm eager to see your point of view. Yet I fail, to no avail. (No rhyme intended.)
"I am a simply complex machine. I simply go through the same mechanical motions which create a series of complex results." -Passíon Neftali Leon