I got lucky and have managed to take down two goals at one request! Let me exaplin this to you in a bit
more detail. My dear friend, Chris, asked me to write a song about love. Simple enough, right? I wrote the song in a total for three or four hours and instantly felt that it needed piano. I came up with a complex series of "doo-doo-doo's" and ended up making a melody for the music. I also have to record, play, and sing, this song of mine, so that should be interesting. I have not completely finished the composing part, I just need to do two more parts and I'll be set! (And so will my friend ha ha ha.) I might make a music video and put it on Youtube and get as famous as Rebecca Black, except, I believe people will enjoy my music.(x Who knows what it could lead to? I sure don't, but I know that I'm proud of myself for going with my goals and opportuniy is opportunity! No way, I'm not gonna take this chance.
Anyhow, I'll let you see the first verse and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! The song is called Darling for obvious reasons.
"The way that you smile, makes time worthwhile,
Your perfectly sheveled hair, the way I like to stare---at you---(doodoodoo, doodoodoo, doo-doo),
And the shine in your eyes, are reasons why---I adore you---
Darling, darling, darling."
And now you must wait for the real thing! You got a sample for now, I'll keep you posted!(:
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The crowded streets don't bother me any, they are just a means to make my method of travel more complicated and enticing. The wind blowing against me is a pain but I try not to let it phase me, it'll pass and help me in the time to come. I close my eyes briefly enough to imagine a new world ahead of me, enough to clear my head of any bad thoughts, enough to make me crack the tiniest smile. I exhale and my eyes open as I swerve to avoid anyone in my path. The wind brings me to a near stop as it blows my hair swiftly behind me. I kick and wipe the sweat that has gathered under my fringe of bangs. Then turn around and repeat, this time with the wind on my side.
Yes it's not always perfect or pretty and it does hurt quite a bit, but every push off the pavement is worth it. Every bruise, every bail, every fall, every almost fail, every move made is worth the feeling of gliding across the pavement.
Yes it's not always perfect or pretty and it does hurt quite a bit, but every push off the pavement is worth it. Every bruise, every bail, every fall, every almost fail, every move made is worth the feeling of gliding across the pavement.
"It's like surfing on concrete."
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Goal #119: Get a driver's license
Here is the original post with my goals on it if you'd like to check it out: Before I perish.
Now I wait! My hard copy will arrive in the mail sometime before the end of May, until then, I'm rocking this baby!
Before I get to this current goal, I have completed Goal #69: Model (again) but I'll post it when they send me the official photographs so you get the whole nine yards. :D And now, my license!
I was excited as ever to get my license. I woke up long before either of my alarms went off--nervous energy, I suppose. Time seemed to pass so slowly as I got ready, ate breakfast, and waited for my dad. We practiced parallel parking beforehand, just incase I was tested on it, and then we made our way to a Virginia DMV.
Papa and I talked to the receptionist who claimed that I wouldn't need to take the driving test. My dad and I were skeptical because we both knew that I hadn't taken the test, but she insisted that I just needed my photograph taken and a temporary license would be issued.
To pass the time, Papa and I made fun of the people around us like "poofy-hair dude" and "dirty sweater guy!" We even started making one of the "Real Men of Genius" commercials for the dirty sweater guy. It would go something like this:
"Budwiser Presents Real Men of Genius, (Real Men of Genius) Today we salute you Mister dirty white sweater wearer guy. (Dirty white shirt wearer guy) When out in public your sweater says, "Hey world, this guy is a human carpet."(Bleach won't save you)"Something like that ha ha ha.(: Well after being up at the counter for half an hour and sitting patiently for another half hour, we were told that I would need to take the driving test after all. (KNEW IT!) I was anxious but not afraid, I had full confidence in myself and it paid off! I got minus two overall, after stopping a wee bit passed the sign and not changing lanes properly. I wasn't comfortable and wasn't going to endanger the lady so, you know. I think I did the right thing. She said she was surprised at how good of a driver I was with my age, ha ha. Don't underestimate me!(:<
Now I wait! My hard copy will arrive in the mail sometime before the end of May, until then, I'm rocking this baby!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
"One day Penny"
I started crying after I read those three simple words. Not I love you, or I need you, just "one day Penny." And before I explain to you why this simple jest towards the future hit me so hard, I'm going to tell you about the person who said those words.
It was spring of my seventh grade year, I was twelve. My classmates and I were being relocated into another classroom so we could take the TAKS test in a better environment--our advisory period was in the band hall which is not a good place to take a state standardized test. The class got relocated into the room behind ours, the journalism room. That's where we met, Raymond and I. I wrote him a note and I know he thought I was a weird little girl, but without that who knows if we would have ever become friends? We would write notes often, usually about nothing, but they were our way of learning about each other. We had the same lunch and after we finished eating we had the option of doing various things out on the blacktop. The choices were: basketball, soccer, four-square, volleyball, walking, or sitting at one of the tables. On this particular day Raymond and I decided to play soccer--he ended up falling on top of me as we both went for the ball. It just seemed that as the days, weeks, months, and years that passed, nothing could get in between our amazing friendship.
We formed the "Confusion Group" and we did some of the craziest things together. We walked to school, which required running across the highway, running through a corn field, and being on a pretty dangerous farm road. We partied and even then, Raymond was there at my defense. When rumors we spread about me, he was the first to say, "Fuck them Passíon, what do they know?" He kept me safe and I knew that I could always count on him with everything.
But things changed when this little lady came into his life. I didn't like her from the start because she pushed her way into our group, she tried so hard to befriend the group because she was Raymond's girl; but I don't like that. I don't want to be your friend because you go out with my best friend, I want us to be friends because you want to be friends on your own. I let it be known that I didn't like her and most of the group was appalled, especially my best friend Raymond. He felt like I was talking shit about his girl and Lesley (another legit member of Confusion) thought I was talking shit about her new best friend.
Most of the group stopped talking to me for that stupid reason and I hated it. I started hanging out with different friends but I knew that I was miserable that my entire group ditched me for the girlfriend of my best friend, well, former. He would call me occasionally and leave rude, angry voicemails and they would just tear at my heartstrings; all this time hiding the hope I've always had in him.
"I don't care," I'd mutter to myself, "he left me. I don't care." Yet I knew that I was constantly lying to myself, how could I not care that my best friend stood up and left. This was the best friend whose sister's car I had run into a fence, the best friend who kept me warm in our shed of a clubhouse that late winter night, the best friend that encouraged me to be daring when I was too scared to be anything but sheltered. This was the best friend that left me helpless and alone...
I cannot keep a grudge in my heart because I'm not evil, because there is no reason other than ugly self-absorption to hold a grudge hostage. I don't remember exactly when I was that I forgave him for leaving me, but I did. Deep in my heart he's still the best best friend I've had, minus a few discrepancies like the panties incident. (Which I now look back and laugh at.)
And I've been hopelessly crying this entire post, ha ha. But those words, "One day Penny" mean so much more from Raymond than if any other person in the world had said them. Even if he had called me Patience, Petition, Pubes, Puberty, Lust, Desire, Neftali, or any of the other nicknames he and Edgar came up with for me in eighth grade, it still would have hit me hard. Just the mere hope that one day we'll get as close as we were in all those years of our youth and idiocy, that's something that you can't take away, ever. I love this best friend of mine even though we've been through some of the worst shit, but that just makes us that much stronger right?<3
It was spring of my seventh grade year, I was twelve. My classmates and I were being relocated into another classroom so we could take the TAKS test in a better environment--our advisory period was in the band hall which is not a good place to take a state standardized test. The class got relocated into the room behind ours, the journalism room. That's where we met, Raymond and I. I wrote him a note and I know he thought I was a weird little girl, but without that who knows if we would have ever become friends? We would write notes often, usually about nothing, but they were our way of learning about each other. We had the same lunch and after we finished eating we had the option of doing various things out on the blacktop. The choices were: basketball, soccer, four-square, volleyball, walking, or sitting at one of the tables. On this particular day Raymond and I decided to play soccer--he ended up falling on top of me as we both went for the ball. It just seemed that as the days, weeks, months, and years that passed, nothing could get in between our amazing friendship.
We formed the "Confusion Group" and we did some of the craziest things together. We walked to school, which required running across the highway, running through a corn field, and being on a pretty dangerous farm road. We partied and even then, Raymond was there at my defense. When rumors we spread about me, he was the first to say, "Fuck them Passíon, what do they know?" He kept me safe and I knew that I could always count on him with everything.
But things changed when this little lady came into his life. I didn't like her from the start because she pushed her way into our group, she tried so hard to befriend the group because she was Raymond's girl; but I don't like that. I don't want to be your friend because you go out with my best friend, I want us to be friends because you want to be friends on your own. I let it be known that I didn't like her and most of the group was appalled, especially my best friend Raymond. He felt like I was talking shit about his girl and Lesley (another legit member of Confusion) thought I was talking shit about her new best friend.
Most of the group stopped talking to me for that stupid reason and I hated it. I started hanging out with different friends but I knew that I was miserable that my entire group ditched me for the girlfriend of my best friend, well, former. He would call me occasionally and leave rude, angry voicemails and they would just tear at my heartstrings; all this time hiding the hope I've always had in him.
"I don't care," I'd mutter to myself, "he left me. I don't care." Yet I knew that I was constantly lying to myself, how could I not care that my best friend stood up and left. This was the best friend whose sister's car I had run into a fence, the best friend who kept me warm in our shed of a clubhouse that late winter night, the best friend that encouraged me to be daring when I was too scared to be anything but sheltered. This was the best friend that left me helpless and alone...
I cannot keep a grudge in my heart because I'm not evil, because there is no reason other than ugly self-absorption to hold a grudge hostage. I don't remember exactly when I was that I forgave him for leaving me, but I did. Deep in my heart he's still the best best friend I've had, minus a few discrepancies like the panties incident. (Which I now look back and laugh at.)
And I've been hopelessly crying this entire post, ha ha. But those words, "One day Penny" mean so much more from Raymond than if any other person in the world had said them. Even if he had called me Patience, Petition, Pubes, Puberty, Lust, Desire, Neftali, or any of the other nicknames he and Edgar came up with for me in eighth grade, it still would have hit me hard. Just the mere hope that one day we'll get as close as we were in all those years of our youth and idiocy, that's something that you can't take away, ever. I love this best friend of mine even though we've been through some of the worst shit, but that just makes us that much stronger right?<3
This was the day that we walked to school.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Like a boss
So I've been thinking lately about my ambition to become president and how serious a job it would be. Then I just think of myself as being a big boss, hiring a bunch of people. When I think this way, I shudder at the thought of any of my friends working with me. I don't mean to be an ass, but I refuse to work with people who have no work ethic. I love every single friend I have but would I hire any of them to work for my company? No, no I wouldn't. I think that my decision is the most morally correct to do, regardless whether anyone else agrees or not. I'm not going to give specific examples because that would be rude, but I'll sum it up as best I can.
Having friends in the workplace causes a distraction, as they usually know what entertains you. They can use this to distract you from all the work you need to do as well as the work they need to do. Already you have a loss of production in your company because a friend, and that was just one.
Your friends will always come to you when they're low on money. "Hey boss," they chuckle, "I need a raise. I'm pretty sure you can do that for me, you know." *wink* "Thanks boss! See you after work!" And you risk their friendship by not giving them a raise, which will cause drama and low-productivity in the workplace, or you can give them a raise in fear of your company and other so-called "friends" asking for raises. This could also lead to constant calling-in late or requests for extended vacations.
I would not want any slackers working for me because I give no one a break. If you want to work for me, I'm going to treat you like I treat everyone else. You don't get any special treatment in regards to anything and that's the way my business works--if you have a problem, get a new job. Plain and simple.
I know that I would be the kind of boss that my workers would hate, but in that hate lies a strong respect. People would not respect a boss who is taken advantage of, and that certainly will never be me.
Monday, April 11, 2011
The science of nothing
First off, I want to say thank you to all of you who read my blog.(: I become so enthralled when people tell me that they love to read my blog and it amazes me where these people (all of you) find me. For example, just today while I was playing Words With Friends, a person I was playing against asked me if "A day in the life, of two" was my blog and boy was I happy! It always takes me by surprise when someone compliments my writing or my blog, especially random internet users. And I mean it from the bottom, top, and middle of my heart when I say thank you all so very much for reading my blog! I hope that made you smile because you deserve it for making me smile! :D
Now then, to business! My government class is one of my most controversial classes that I've ever taken. (the second is astronomy because Mr. Ferris is quite the politician.) We talk about everything in government and my teacher, an older white male, is always trying to raise our awareness on the limited rights of women in the good ol' U S of A. If you may recall this particular post, the latter half sums of my government instructor's general thoughts--which I agree with. Well in today's lesson we were going over the statistics of rape, sexual assault, and assault against women. There is this one male student, who I will call K, who I used to have an immense respect for.
When we did our debates K always presented a good argument and could carry it well. He would speak out in class and voice his opinions loud and clear with valid reasoning and facts. I was amazed with his skill and control of his words until today. Today K showed me, and the rest of the class, how terribly rude, pessimistic, and evil he is.
When shown the statistics of the reported rapes, sexual assault against women, the collective days of work missed by women because they were beaten, etc., K responded passionately that the statistics were spewed to make men look bad. Our teacher strongly disagreed with K's statement to which K responded, "Well it's been like this since the beginning of our country. It's not going to change."
I was taken aback. I was appalled. I was insulted. How could this person with such strong morals not care for 50.9% of the world's population? What if the African American slaves said, "Eh, there's no point in trying. We're always going to be slaves as long as we live in this country?" What if women said, "Well the men control politics, there's no reason we should even try to be granted suffrage?" What if the people who run our country said, "We are in so much debt already. Let's just throw in the towel and watch the cookie crumble?" The world would be so much more miserable if people didn't have reasons to fight, reasons to push for change.
I was later informed that K hates women and has for at least six years, and yet claims that he will never beat a woman. Hm, somehow I find that hard to believe. It's not that I didn't think he was a good guy, because I thought that since the day he walked in the classroom, but I see that there is so much anger against the half of the world that is not his own gender. It was disappointing to see all those brains used to justify men striking women, so terribly disappointing.
And yet, I hold hope in my heart for him. I feel that everyone has the power inside of them to do the right thing and think the right thoughts; it's all a matter of choice and opportunity. I hope y'all feel a bit inspired to be better than a wife beater or a crazy ex. Things will change in time but sometimes we have to help time make changes.
Now then, to business! My government class is one of my most controversial classes that I've ever taken. (the second is astronomy because Mr. Ferris is quite the politician.) We talk about everything in government and my teacher, an older white male, is always trying to raise our awareness on the limited rights of women in the good ol' U S of A. If you may recall this particular post, the latter half sums of my government instructor's general thoughts--which I agree with. Well in today's lesson we were going over the statistics of rape, sexual assault, and assault against women. There is this one male student, who I will call K, who I used to have an immense respect for.
When we did our debates K always presented a good argument and could carry it well. He would speak out in class and voice his opinions loud and clear with valid reasoning and facts. I was amazed with his skill and control of his words until today. Today K showed me, and the rest of the class, how terribly rude, pessimistic, and evil he is.
When shown the statistics of the reported rapes, sexual assault against women, the collective days of work missed by women because they were beaten, etc., K responded passionately that the statistics were spewed to make men look bad. Our teacher strongly disagreed with K's statement to which K responded, "Well it's been like this since the beginning of our country. It's not going to change."
I was taken aback. I was appalled. I was insulted. How could this person with such strong morals not care for 50.9% of the world's population? What if the African American slaves said, "Eh, there's no point in trying. We're always going to be slaves as long as we live in this country?" What if women said, "Well the men control politics, there's no reason we should even try to be granted suffrage?" What if the people who run our country said, "We are in so much debt already. Let's just throw in the towel and watch the cookie crumble?" The world would be so much more miserable if people didn't have reasons to fight, reasons to push for change.
I was later informed that K hates women and has for at least six years, and yet claims that he will never beat a woman. Hm, somehow I find that hard to believe. It's not that I didn't think he was a good guy, because I thought that since the day he walked in the classroom, but I see that there is so much anger against the half of the world that is not his own gender. It was disappointing to see all those brains used to justify men striking women, so terribly disappointing.
And yet, I hold hope in my heart for him. I feel that everyone has the power inside of them to do the right thing and think the right thoughts; it's all a matter of choice and opportunity. I hope y'all feel a bit inspired to be better than a wife beater or a crazy ex. Things will change in time but sometimes we have to help time make changes.
What if one day, we all just quit?
I took this photograph from a news article last week
(You can find the article here.)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
As organized as a new puzzle
I can't keep myself together. I get upset over the most miniscule things. I get annoyed so terribly easy. I get frustrated to the point of crying. But on the flip side I get so happy over the slightest remarks. I laugh hard at the simplest things. I get excited to the point of suppressed screaming and bouncing around. It doesn't make sense, but I suppose that most things don't.
I'm smart, good with words and such and yet I'm always trying to understand. I want to know why you think one thing over the other. I want to understand how certain things make you feel. I want to know the reasoning behind your strong beliefs and opinions. I'm eager to see your point of view. Yet I fail, to no avail. (No rhyme intended.)
I'm smart, good with words and such and yet I'm always trying to understand. I want to know why you think one thing over the other. I want to understand how certain things make you feel. I want to know the reasoning behind your strong beliefs and opinions. I'm eager to see your point of view. Yet I fail, to no avail. (No rhyme intended.)
"I am a simply complex machine. I simply go through the same mechanical motions which create a series of complex results." -Passíon Neftali Leon
Friday, April 8, 2011
Space consumer
I've been trying to blog since the last day I did but when I'm sitting in front of my computer, the words just don't come to me. I type a paragraph in five minutes only to hate in within five seconds of finishing. I mean, it's not like I haven't done anything that isn't worth blogging about, but I just cannot seem to do it in a way that is pleasing to my tastes...I digress.
I have done a lot since I last blogged; ice-skating, party-throwing, beach-going, driving, preparing, reading, writing, playing, and probably a lot more. This weekend, for example will be a very busy one, but I will tell you about that as it comes. I don't really know what to write but will enclose a series of photographs that will explain my recent actions.
And until next time, please do enjoy.(:
I have done a lot since I last blogged; ice-skating, party-throwing, beach-going, driving, preparing, reading, writing, playing, and probably a lot more. This weekend, for example will be a very busy one, but I will tell you about that as it comes. I don't really know what to write but will enclose a series of photographs that will explain my recent actions.
And until next time, please do enjoy.(:
Brightness in a desolate space.
The beauty of naming your rival.
Ah, the simple things.
It was just one of those exhausting days for no apparent reason.
I couldn't help it. :D
Part of the banner I made for Brandon's surprise party.
I wish I took a photo of the cake...
My shadow whilst ice skating.
Last Sunday was a day of thinking.
I also have a new window.
On an obvious note, Pokémon Yellow rules faces.
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