Saturday, May 28, 2011


I don't know how to start this post so here it goes.

     Not glancing up or down, or even through the partially open window, she sat awaiting the nothingness of the time being and the time to come. She expected nothing out of the ordinary---only the indefinite darkness and the lapping of the waves, of that day. No words had escaped her tongue, let alone her mouth, for that entire evening. Oh, and how beautiful the sea shimmers in the lighting of street lamps; no matter how high or how low the sun would be during the day, it could not compare to the façade of beauty that was provided by these ugly human creations.
     "All of this," she mused, "is just a small light on the ugliness of humankind. But oh, how I have hope for those pathetic wretched souls!" She thumbed through her copy of The Beautiful and Damned until she came across the quote the seemed to fit perfectly with her thought: 
"To be able to face people and to endure the constant reminder of Gloria that all existance had become, it was necessary for him to have hope. So he built hope desperately and tenaciously out of the stuff of his dream, a hope flimsy enough, to be sure, a hope that was cracked and dissipated a dozen times a day, a hope that would be brown and sinew to his self-respect."
     After she lied the book down on her lap, there began a rapping at her window. She jumped to her feet, jimmied the window open, and peeked over the edge, only to find a person with whom she had never held more than a one-minute conversation with. She shot a puzzled look in his direction, but to no avail; it had been much too dark for him to see anything but what lied directly underneath the street lamps. There were a few minutes of silence between the rapping at her window and his first spoken word but once he started talking, it was as though he went through every possible scenario in his head before even attempting to speak.
     "Come down," he said in cool yet stern voice, "I want to see you."
     Still as confused as ever she replied, "We've never held a real conversation, how can you be asking me to leave the safety and comfort of my home to steal away with a stranger?"
     He had obviously expected this, for he retaliated with, "That's exactly why. If you come down here, we can change the stranger situation. You might come to find that I'm actually not a bad guy."
     At this, she sighed and silently came down from her second-story bedroom. "I don't know you," she started, "but I'm willing to figure you out."
     He smiled a toothy smile, took her by the hand, and ran as fast as he could make her. When they finally stopped to take a breath, she was the first to speak. "Where are we?" She asked as her cheeks flushed red, "I'm truly lost as to our location."
     Giggling, he said, "You know, you don't have to talk all fancy with me. We're at this place and I know that you'll love it."
     She smiled at her own words and said nothing more; speaking, as she did, made her feel silly in the presence of this stranger who she was growing so akin to. Under those street lamps, the girl and her stranger were the most stunning beings in the entirety of the universe. She was falling hard, and nothing but the daylight could save her.
     She and her stranger spent the falling nights together, almost routinely. That is, until she asked him to stay until sunrise---he hissed at the request but had eventually succumb to her wishes. She was elated to be with him as the sun rose from the horizon; he was devastated because he knew that the sunrise to come would be the last one of his days. He knew that he could always hide under the ever-shining street lamps without a care; but to watch the sun come up and try not to flinch as it burnt him alive, was another thing completely.
     They sat on her rooftop, hand in hand, as the sun began to creep over the hills far ahead of them. She kissed his cheek as she watched his face change from indifferent to sheer pain and terror. He closed his eyes and grabbed at her shoulders.
     "Listen," he muttered, in an almost inaudible voice, "in the night... I am who you have seen me as I am. But in the presence of the sun... I burn like an infant with a fever. Like a bonfire after a bad break-up. I burn...alive."
     She was near tears at this point, but still did not know whether to believe her stranger or not. The only thing she could think to do was to hold him close until the sun had risen to its peak. Afterwards, she had planned to tell him that he was mistaken and that the sun was more his friend than enemy, that they could go on if he pleased; but instead, he shattered into a million shards of glass which pierced her skin ever so violently.
     Tears welled up in the pit of her eyes, not only for the pain of the shards, but for the pain of having hope in something that never really existed. Under the street lamps, he was someone that he never was. In the bitter sunshine, he became the person he had been hiding all along---the person that she never did want to see again because she felt that those terrible shards of glass would soon return into the form that she know all too well.
     Her nights ended the same as they had before she met her stranger, before he was ever a thought in that naive little brain of hers. The indefinite darkness and the constant lapping of the waves. The bitter beauty underneath street lamps and the million shards of glass...
     He threw another rock at her window but this time... she doesn't answer.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Glass Oceans

     I've been working really hard on this canvas of mine so I hope you enjoy all the effort I've put into it! I'm going to sell it at an art thing this weekend and I just cannot contain my excitement! :D My ideas of this changed so much, ha ha, so bear with the pictures I give you. I'm also planning on making any other type of art, at request, for a fee! So feel free to e-mail me at if you are interested! Now we commence!
In this bit, I was just playing around with the little I did have,
I painted the sky darker than where I wanted the ocean to go and left the beach blank,
I used a little more than half a broke CD for the setting sun,
 and I had drawn out the surfer girl.
I ended up not putting the rays of the sun.
Sorry for the sideways-ness. -___-"
But here I glued the sand down on the canvas,
created a barrier between sand and ocean,
and began laying down the tiles for the ocean.
 If you notice, the middle tiles are different that the far tiles.
I hated it and immediately removed all the tiles,
save for the wave and sand barriers.
That in itself took a few days. o.O
 I started crushing the tiles using a mortar and pestle.
The glue began to dry as I laid the tiles so I thought I needed spray glue,
but it turns out, you can make spray glue with glue, water, and vigorous shaking!
I used chevrons for the birds,
and if you notice, my surfer girl looks different than before.
This is because she got wet by my spray/pour-on glue, ha ha.
But I like how it turned out!
And then *POOF* the final result!

HEY LOOK AT THAT, I also completed Goal #38: Do a marvelous canvas painting!
It's not really a painting but I think it counts!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I thought you would never leaf me...

     There are only a few things flowing through my mind right now, the first being the title of this post. Oh how I wish to spill my heart to you, blogger world. I was deserted in July, and everywhere I walked I saw leaves. I wanted to send him a leaf with "I thought you would never leaf me..." written on it. It was cheesy, I know, but it was all I thought I could do besides cry. Even now, just the thought of it is tearing me apart. I wrote and typed numerous letters that I just ended up throwing away, I wrote ten page text messages that I never sent, I dialed those ten digits but never hit the call button. Oh I was so depressed, it was as though the sun had failed to rise and everything I did thereafter was another fuck up to add to the wall of tallies. Everything fell apart, not even crazy glue could have kept it together, but I suppose that's destiny or fate or what have you.
     And it's not like good hasn't come from it, but sometimes it feels as though things could have been slightly different. Maybe. Like my last day in Texas as my home, that could have been much different. I'll never forget when my mother uttered those ugly words to me, "If he loved you, he would have come and spent the night with you." "He has work mom," I replied feebly, "it's fine." She shook her head and went away from me. That day was eventful and terrible. I never really thought of how (quote, unquote) things could have been, it kind of just came to me one day. I was thinking nothing of you when I remembered how terribly lonely I was on the night before my departure and of my mom's words to me. 
     Then I fast forward to the day he left me, the day that I ran until my knees gave out. There were leaves everywhere and I could think was that every leaf lying on the ground was a stab at my heart, at my pathetic broken heart.
     I flashback to that lonely night before my voyage and my mind plays game with me. It places him there, in my bed, with me in his arms. I look so deadly serious when I look up at him and say, "You won't leave me out there all by myself, will you?" He smirks and says, "Now why would you get a silly idea like that in your head? Of course not, I love you!" I smile a toothy smile and close my eyes because I feel safe, he moves the hair from my forehead and my imaginary memory fades away.
     My eyes start watering but I quickly brush away the forming tears. Why does the mind play this folly with us? Why make me remember something that never happened? Why make me feel so strongly for something that is but a mental lie? Oh mind, why must you do this to me?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


     If you have noticed, I keep changing between a few blogger templates. The reason being 1.) I found a new template that I like 2.) I am also having some coding issues with that template 3.) This polka dot one will suffice for now.
     The main problem I have with the new template is that I want you, the reader, to be able to give me feedback. I can't seem to do the correct coding that would allow me to enable comments but I'm sure I'll fix it soon enough. Just hang tight and enjoy these temporary polka dots!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

No fotos

     Completely off topic and not what I want to address but I came across this:
"Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data, ability to repeat discredited memes, and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Also, be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor even implied. Any irrelevancies you can mention will also be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous."
     Ha, isn't that classic? I thought so! But now I will enclose some photographs from my trip to Washinngton, D.C. And I apologize in advance for not being your typical tourist in that I don't feel like I need to take a photo of evertyhing to prove that I was there.

 Einstein Memorial.
You see that tiny yellow speck in the middle? 
 That yellow speck is one of these, I found it hilarious.(:
Not your typical Washington Monument photograph. 
Korean War Memorial
 At Ben's Chili Bowl, I'm coming back here when I'm President! :D
 I could not stop laughing at this! A sign in one of the Smithsonian museums.

All the following are part of the space and air museums, a bit of insight into my sick obsession with old technology.(;
 A Game & Watch system! 
 At one point, this was a mini computer!
 GPS! :D
 Sexified laptop!
Telephone and pager. ;D

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh how destructive

I looked in an old notebook of mine and I am going to share with you a terrible entry. I cried after reading it because it's so... unlike myself, as I am now. I suppose it was a poem but... well I'll let you examine it.

"I look at my reflection whose eyes are as red as mine and say, 'darling, you're ugly.'
Her eyes begin to tear and she starts to sob. She says back to me, 'darling, you're ugly.'
How dare she speak to me that way, a frown upon my face
It's time to put her in her place.
She frowns back at me as though she sees what's coming, but does she?
I raise my fist up and she stares back with no surprise.
I sock her in the face and she continues to cry.
Her cheeks are tender and moist with tears.
In her I have instilled no fear.
It makes me angry that she seems to feel no pain,
the punches get stronger but it's still the same.
'You're stupid,' I whisper, hoping to rouse an evil spirit within;
Yet in spite of me she whispers it right back again.
'Your foolish games are useless, I know that you're in pain.'
'You're only hurting yourself. You need to cease this charade.'
I raise my fist to strike her but it drops to my side,
but I pick it up again---refusing her advice.
I bash her cheeks, left then right, leaving behind bruises of brutal self-destruction.
She weeps for me now and not for herself; she sees my errors and only wants to help.
As long as she's not hurting, I cannot stop---the pain is not the same alone.
It'll continue this way, my reflection and me.
Until the day I listen, the day I feel and see.
Goodnight my reflection, I shall see you again."

-November 3rd, 2010

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I shattered her heart when I uttered the truth

     I finally did it. I finally mustered the courage and strength it took to say the things I've been meaning to say for such a long time. I told Part Two exactly what she didn't want to hear and yet, she wanted to know. It was like she was waiting for an outside source to confirm what she already feared. As I told her, face to face, just the surface of what had happened, she looked at me eagerly, almost expectantly. When I told her that there was a brief time in the summer, she ran away crying.
     My heart hurt after seeing that but I still made my way to class. "I told her," I said to Brandon. He was surprised and quite frankly, so was I. I went to class and I talked about it and felt like I needed to tell her everything, not just what I had addressed in person.
     When I got home I sent her a message on facebook (I know, how square) and confessed everything. I typed the original note to the T. And then we discussed it and what she was going to do, she broke up with him. And oddly enough, I feel a new closeness to her. Even though I caused a mess, I was there to clean it up when it got bad.
     I feel a little stronger now, like I've accomplished a terrible task that needed to be done. I can't help but to feel sorrow in my heart as well... It's as though I know I've done right with this but I can't help but feel bad for the situation. I hope everything gets better for Part Two and that Part One suffers as much as she did.
Time to start from square one.