I suppose I can tough it out for a bit. After all, November 11th isn't so far away. I'm just exhausted with this life I'm living; I feel so boring, so ordinary. This is the part of my life that they would leave out of the movie, the part where nothing happens. The part where I take a walk around Target to put my mind at ease and I pretend I'm going to buy something. The part where I sit in my car and think about nothing in particular and amaze myself with thoughts...
A co-worker asked what I do for fun---honestly, I had no answer. My life is so dull. I work, I eat, I sleep. I need a change. Having weekends off sucks when you have no friends.
And on a final note, I dreamt that I had a pet bear that drank vanilla lattes. That's me, a tired bear who's too busy to hibernate. I need some time for myself besides these few hours before bed./: I'd like the life of an bear with no priorities.