My life has been filled with a lot of randomness lately, in an extremely good way. I've met so many people and done so much that it's baffling. I'll try to do this chronologically but I can guarantee nothing, my days have been quite a mess.
My friend Leo and I finally had the opportunity to hang out because I got off of work early, so we decided to meet at McDonald's. I got there first and as I was waiting for Leo's arrival, I noticed these guys with longboards. I freaked out, internally, as a result of the excitement of seeing someone else with a longboard in this state of Texas. I approached them, asked where they boarded and then went on my merry way back to the table I had be sitting at. After they had placed their orders one of the guys, whose name is Justin, asked if it was okay for he and his friends to join me. I agreed and they proceeded to tell crazy stories about things that had happened to them in the near past. I don't think I really talked much at that point, but Leo arrived shortly after.
We sat there talking for a while and at some point we decided to go have a jam session back on the UTSA campus. It was quite epic. Leo was on the saxophone and Justin on the piano, it was simply amazing. I felt all lame because mariachi music fit in there nowhere. >_< Oh well.
Leo ended up leaving around one in the morning and I stayed and chilled with the guys until six in the morning, ha ha. (I stayed out so late so my mom wouldn't be home when I got home.) I talked to Riley about life and the world around us until six; at which point he walked me to my car so I wouldn't get lost, ha ha. I gave him a ride back to the campus and then I proceeded in the direction of home.
I also had a sausage and cheese McGriddle.<3 Nom nom nom, :3 I don't know if I'll ever see those guys again, but I'm thinking of inviting them to Corpus or Austin next Tuesday. We'll see how that goes.
For the past couple of days I've had to pull doubles at work, it's left me pretty exhausted but I got to experience a whole other world during graveyard shift, it gets to a point where it's almost serene. One night I worked from three pm to six am; and there was a point where I felt like I had done this many times before. It was almost scary. I don't know how else to explain it... but things have gotten back to normal mostly except that I'm getting a new job at Spaghetti Warehouse. All that means is I'll have to change my hours at IHOP and I'm sure they'll be okay with that, seeing as I do a lot for them.

Yesterday was Valentine's day for me, because Taylor came to work and brought me a giant bear. :3 I love it and it smells so good, ha ha. Pawlie loves it too. It was nice because it was extremely slow at work and I got to just sit there and catch up with Taylor. She says she's gonna try to get a job at Wal-Mart. I hope she does so I can go harass her. xD I mean what else are friends for? Teehee.<3 I'm sure she'll appreciate it though.

What did I tell you about me keeping things in chronological order? I totally forgot the whole taking my first break at IHOP ever, lol. Well yeah, Mike gave me like five bucks and I made this giant bowl at Genghis Grill. It was so epic and delicious! :3 And of course I took a photo of it. While I was at Genghis, this worker there stuck up a conversation with me about Pokémon because of my 3DS lanyard. It was really cool and he was very nice, nerdy too. Ha ha, but nerdy is a good thing in my opinion... *attempts to contain excitement over the upcoming release of Animal Crossing 3D* Teehee. :3

I also forgot about the sprinkles! My brother and I went to IHOP on Sunday and I treated him to a burger. We had Candace as our server and left her a nice tip of like nine dollars. I don't remember how much exactly but it was more than enough for a eight-dollar ticket and two people. We hid the tip and I used sprinkles to point it out. Seeeeeeeeeeeeee? I thought it was pretty clever. P:

I also took a photo while I was driving on the highway, totally not the safest thing to do but since it was late and rainy, very few vehicles were on the road. I think it's absolutely beautiful but maybe that's because I took it. P: I feel like it kind of represents how I felt then, like I know that everything is there and I'm grateful that I have it... but somehow I'm still a little bit sad, things are still a little bit dark. I don't know. Take what you will from it. (Oh and I tried to take it perfectly but after I would clear the window of drizzle, it would pollute the windshield as soon as I clicked the camera button. -_-" Ohhh weelllll.)
Happy Mid-February everyone. I hope to be posting more often these days, but between two jobs and trying to maintain a wee bit of a social life... we'll see what happens!
Enjoy these photos:
I will totally own this moped one day.
It's only like $1,200!
I wanted this dress but Kasey said "Nay."
So I'm taking her word for it.
That is all.