Tuesday, December 21, 2010
So as you may or may not know, I am going to visit Texas for the winter break. I probably won't blog until I return from there and I'll most likely have a really long photo blog. Enjoy whatever holiday you celebrate or don't celebrate! :D
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Yesterday was a day of thought for me. My father, Heather, Kateli, and myself ate at Buffalo Wild Wings followed by a trip to an ice skating rink. (Oddly enough, none of us ordered wings at BWW, lol.) But the ice skating is what's most important about yesterday.
I accidently slipped over this cute guy's skate laces! I narrowly escaped death though; he ended up catching me before I face planted on the ice. It was just like the movies and it's strange how I thought none of this would ever happen! We started talking and... Nothing. I went home and fell asleep, like every other day.
I dreamt of scuba diving with my son. We were on this fancy boat and then we were in the water, I don't recall the details. Later on we were back on the boat and Joey and my son were talking, I could see them from the room I was in. My son asked Joey a question which was inaudible to me; Joey replied, "Don't worry man. I got a plan for her." I was enraged. I jumped off the boat and swam into the nothingness until I woke up.
I drove a great distance today and did quite well. My father scared me when he and Lee were talking about IHOP; all of a sudden he points across my line of sight, while I'm driving, and yells "IHOP!!!" It was a good thing I was at a stop sign because it scared the half the life out of me, though not literally. I spent most of the day with Lee, roaming around McArthur Mall and buying Christmas presents. (Lee is much taller than I!) I got a beanie for Big L and some lotions for my mother. I purchased a photo from my photo shoot (and will by a frame tomorrow) for my grandparents. I got some stocking stuffers for Kasey and a skirt for myself. I purchased this cool thingy... it's amazing! I'll post a photo of it after Christmas. Mmmm, oh and I bought a wallet for Cupcake! I'm nearly broke now, but it's in the spirit of the holidays!<3 I'm having four Christmases, but that's another story.(:
After returning to my house I wrapped some gifts, Kasey came over, Charmander came over, and then Lee's padre picked us up to go to her house. The thing with Charmander was fun though! We were throwing bags of dried fruit at each other! It hurt quite terribly but It was very fun. Though that's not what I want to talk about, I want to tell you about what happened at Lee's.
Kasey and I got picked up and ended up at Lee's. I was evaluating her room because she wants me to help her arrange/design it. (Fun for me and good more my future major: interior design.) Then Lee spoke of her self-confidence issues. Kasey and I decided to play "What Not To Wear" and we would be the judges. It was pretty fun and I know Kasey wanted to steal a few of Lee's clothes, lol.

We played QWOP, which is actually really funny. Lee got to 1.6 meters by herself, myself to -1.4 meters, and Kasey made it all the way to 4.7 meters alone! It was fantastic. When Kasey and I teamed up we got to 14.9 meters I believe. We have that on video but we ended up with around 13 meters because we started going backwards...
Moving on, Lee happened to have a random giant crayon in her room! It was quite fabulous. Kasey wondered what it would be like if all our writing utensils were that big? Gosh, I couldn't fathom it! But before all the fun stuff, Kasey wasn't feeling "Kasey" which was a real bummer. It was hard to get her to smile but we managed to have a great time anyway. I am truly sorry for bumping her head on the chair leg... but other than that I'm sure she had a great time. Especially after I found those photographs of her beloved companion Mr.K-bauer in Lee's digital moment-capturing device. (Ha ha, digital camera sounds too boring.) We ate a ton of blueberry waffles at Lee's, ha ha ha we're obese people.
Mhmm, when Lee's padres dropped us off at home, we stayed at my house for a while, had some mac and cheese, then looked at Lee's tumblr.
I guess tumblr is nice, but I prefer blogger. It just feels so much more sophisticated to me, you know? I mean, it really isn't. Everyone is free to express their thoughts and ideas however they want, but I guess it just takes a lot more to do it here. You can't just "reblog" any random photo you happen to like. It just takes more to be a blogger user, in my opinion... I digress. I went way off topic there, ha!
It's time to call it a night or rather, a morning. It's taken me a very long while to type up this post. Goodnight blogger world.
Oh and I forgot to mention, me and SDB are chillin tomorrow. That's the first time I've mentioned him, ha ha.(:
At first my father and I stuck together but as I got better on the ice, I surpassed him and thought a lot to myself. I observed the people from very young to about mid-adult, roam the ice, stay close to the side, or sit in the break areas. And though the ages of the people were not consistent, the majority of ice skaters were couples.
They held hands as they skated, they helped the other up if they fell, they kissed until they both fell, they glided across the ice so easily as a duo. My heart sank; I have never felt so alone, so isolated. I was surrounded by a sea of people and yet, I was the only one there. I was the only me.
It made me think of movies, of how everything always works out so perfectly for the main character. But what about the supporting characters? What happens to them? All this questioning lead to a train of thoughts about what we expect from the world because of some movies. Even my thoughts were cliché and they are as follows:
"All I want to do is fall. I'm gliding so steadily on the ice and only a few thoughts run through my head. 1. Fall. Just fall so someone can save you. 2. These ice skates are painful. 3. Don't fall, you'll get killed. 4. My left hurt is hurting more than the right. 5. Let someone run into to you to see what happens. But of course the things that are not naturally allowed are avoided. We all want things to happen but we won't make them happen ourselves. We carry on with our actions, repeating what we want to ourselves, hoping that wanting it more will make it happen. And usually, it doesn't."Guess what ended up happening?
I dreamt of scuba diving with my son. We were on this fancy boat and then we were in the water, I don't recall the details. Later on we were back on the boat and Joey and my son were talking, I could see them from the room I was in. My son asked Joey a question which was inaudible to me; Joey replied, "Don't worry man. I got a plan for her." I was enraged. I jumped off the boat and swam into the nothingness until I woke up.

After returning to my house I wrapped some gifts, Kasey came over, Charmander came over, and then Lee's padre picked us up to go to her house. The thing with Charmander was fun though! We were throwing bags of dried fruit at each other! It hurt quite terribly but It was very fun. Though that's not what I want to talk about, I want to tell you about what happened at Lee's.
Kasey and I got picked up and ended up at Lee's. I was evaluating her room because she wants me to help her arrange/design it. (Fun for me and good more my future major: interior design.) Then Lee spoke of her self-confidence issues. Kasey and I decided to play "What Not To Wear" and we would be the judges. It was pretty fun and I know Kasey wanted to steal a few of Lee's clothes, lol.

Mhmm, when Lee's padres dropped us off at home, we stayed at my house for a while, had some mac and cheese, then looked at Lee's tumblr.
I guess tumblr is nice, but I prefer blogger. It just feels so much more sophisticated to me, you know? I mean, it really isn't. Everyone is free to express their thoughts and ideas however they want, but I guess it just takes a lot more to do it here. You can't just "reblog" any random photo you happen to like. It just takes more to be a blogger user, in my opinion... I digress. I went way off topic there, ha!
It's time to call it a night or rather, a morning. It's taken me a very long while to type up this post. Goodnight blogger world.
Oh and I forgot to mention, me and SDB are chillin tomorrow. That's the first time I've mentioned him, ha ha.(:
This is what my hair would look like if I parted it the other way.
Oh, and I like wearing other people's clothes.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Some are fact, some are fiction. Some are theoretical, some are proven. Some are exact, some are elaborated. But they are all from little scenarios I play in my head, regardless if they happened or not.
"I love every inch of you!"
"What!? You don't love every centimeter of me!?"
"You're big headed because you think you're better than everyone else"
"I'm not big headed... I have no right to tell you what to do. I know I'm not above everyone else."
"You have more leeway than anyone else."
"But I'm not better than anyone so why should I have more leeway?"
"Because you matter more. And I'm supposed to be the most important to you, not some idiot."
Thinks to self, "If I matter more, then you are saying I'm better than everyone else. But I'm not so if I matter more, my opinion or what have you should be equal to someone else who cares. Who's being big headed now? 'I'm supposed to be the most important...' You're being a hypocrite." But says, "He's not an idiot. He's my friend."
"That's not fair. I want to see you first."
"This is the only day we're going to be in town at the same time..."
"I'm supposed to be the most important. You're making me feel like you don't even wanna see me."
Sigh. "I want to see you but I'm not missing the opportunity to see my friend. I'm sorry that you don't understand."
"...Ugly little girl."
"Was that supposed to be funny...?"
"It was a joke. Ha..."
Short chuckle. "It was kinda mean..."
"I was just joking. You know you're pretty."
"It doesn't matter whether I'm pretty or not."
"Yes it does!"
"Because you are pretty!"
"But even if I wasn't..."
"No, no. You're pretty. That's it."
"You're busy."
"No, I'm not busy."
"You're busy."
"I'm not, I really am not. Ha ha."
"I'm sleepy."
"Go to sleep then."
"Hmhmhmh, okaaaaaaayyyyy."
"Night, mhmhmmhhhmm."
"I love every inch of you!"
"What!? You don't love every centimeter of me!?"
"You're big headed because you think you're better than everyone else"
"I'm not big headed... I have no right to tell you what to do. I know I'm not above everyone else."
"You have more leeway than anyone else."
"But I'm not better than anyone so why should I have more leeway?"
"Because you matter more. And I'm supposed to be the most important to you, not some idiot."
Thinks to self, "If I matter more, then you are saying I'm better than everyone else. But I'm not so if I matter more, my opinion or what have you should be equal to someone else who cares. Who's being big headed now? 'I'm supposed to be the most important...' You're being a hypocrite." But says, "He's not an idiot. He's my friend."
"That's not fair. I want to see you first."
"This is the only day we're going to be in town at the same time..."
"I'm supposed to be the most important. You're making me feel like you don't even wanna see me."
Sigh. "I want to see you but I'm not missing the opportunity to see my friend. I'm sorry that you don't understand."
"...Ugly little girl."
"Was that supposed to be funny...?"
"It was a joke. Ha..."
Short chuckle. "It was kinda mean..."
"I was just joking. You know you're pretty."
"It doesn't matter whether I'm pretty or not."
"Yes it does!"
"Because you are pretty!"
"But even if I wasn't..."
"No, no. You're pretty. That's it."
"You're busy."
"No, I'm not busy."
"You're busy."
"I'm not, I really am not. Ha ha."
"I'm sleepy."
"Go to sleep then."
"Hmhmhmh, okaaaaaaayyyyy."
"Night, mhmhmmhhhmm."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My very own winter wonderland
I wanted to write about today because it was quite amazing, but I don't feel as up to it as I did before. But I won't leave you empty handed, my fellow bloggers. Enjoy!<3(:
Kasey wrote "I <3 U" in the snow that was gathering in the street.
I took this photograph from my upstairs window.
Again, taken from my room's window.
Kasey wanted me to take some photos of her from my vantage point.
This is one of the better ones.
Kasey went inside her house so I wrote her a little note.
She added the "more"
My house is the one with the gold car.
I loved the look of the barren, desolate street.
I call it "The path less traveled".
Cute close up of Kasey with her house to the left.
Photograph taken of me whilst at Pablo's house.
Credit to Miss Kasey
Thank you doll;<3
Creeper shots taken by Kasey.
We were inside my house when B and K built a snowman.
They placed it perfectly so that you can see it from my window.
Taken by Kasey, yet again.
Just another photo of them building.
But later in the day some kid was trying to destroy the final project.
I yelled at him and he ran home.
Perfect way to end the day and this post.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Blog addiction
It saddens me when my favorite blogs don't update as much as they used to.
Why can't they be this calm all the time? It's cute.<3
I want, I want, I want!
These shoes were on the Seed Store blog. I don't know what brand they are./: But I'm dying to get the blue ones! Maybe the pink ones? Nahhh. But I'll take the red ones. xD I'll put the link up later if I find the brand.(: Okay, so I found that the brand is called Swedish Hasbeens and they are quite expensive for shoes...well I've actually seen worse prices... I think these would be worth it! :D Oh and here's credit where it's due: http://www.swedishhasbeens.com/
Oh man, I almost paid three times as much for these at hottopic.com! I'm glad I found them cheaper: http://www.bodyjewelrysource.com/ I'm hoping to size up to a 00 and get these amongst others, so I have a variety! I hope I can find more that I liked from hot topic here, like the Panda ones for Charmander, and these for Kasey and myself: Whales, white with glow-in-the-dark lightnining blots, penguins, octupi with mustaches, cute octupi , dinosaurs, glow-in-the-dark tapers, metallic hot pink zebra, cute owls, koi, and many many more cute plugs!(: Oh not to mention that I want my belly button pierced, (already got the piercing) a monroe, and maybe a lip ring (or stud) adjacent to the side with the monroe. And tattoos, don't forget them puppies. Ha ha ha!
Well that ends this selfish post.
This isn't a usual blog for me.
Butttttt, I found these two extremely lovely dresses at this web address below. They're cute, aren't they? And vintage looking. Gotta love that. :D They would look just perfect with those shoes....

P.S. The blue ones are sexy as a mug! (My mother uses that phrase: "as a mug")
What's a girl without a fancy camera? I'll tell you, not me! :D Just kidding. I just really want a good quality camera for everything. I'm not too into photography but I'm starting to get into it. I'm always playing with Kasey's camera so I figure, why not get my own and stop mooching?(: This particular camera is a Canon EOS Rebel XS Digital Camera with 18-55 mm Lens. Sounds snazzy, don't it? ;D I hope one day soon that this pretty little puppy is in the palms of my hands! One day, if not for a holiday or anniversary of my birth, I will save up enough money somehow. With considerations to college and all that. And of course I have to credit whence the photo came: http://www.pcrichard.com/catalog/product.jsp?modelNo=REBELXS1855K&CID=AFC_Pricegrabber&gdftrk=gdfV2677_a_7c796_a_7c3134_a_7cREBELXS1855K
I want the most beautiful flowers in the world: Sunflowers. They are simple yet elegant. Simply elegant. Though it is ironic or rather coincidental, that the photograph of these lovelies is from the Telegraph, a British paper. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/5540994/How-to-grow-sunflowers.html) I say this because I started off the school year doing a project which required me to use that newspaper. Ah, it's strange how everything is slightly connected, isn't it?Well that ends this selfish post.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Stick to your guns
I learned a great lesson in not letting go of what you believe in. Remember that post in which I was complaining immensely about taking SOL tests? (This one.) Well I finally got what I wanted and deserved. I am exempt from all SOL tests because all my complaining made my counselor research the TAKS tests, and find that my scores were acceptable substitutes. There is nothing better than fighting for what you believe in, especially if you are right.
The result of this hassle I have been though just to not take eleven tests, will be my influence to create an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow for a national standardized test. Not state standardized but NATIONAL standardized. I know that no kid wants to take a dang test, ever; but I know that it is a necessary part of our education system. This nationwide standardized test, including military bases and territories, would make it easier fro children and young adults of military families, troubled households, and people who just move all the time. I would not negatively effect anyone, as there would be little to no change in procedure and administration of the new test as the old ones. This will have a positive effect on the national standard of learning, so we can have all the students at the same level. Sounds marvelous, doesn't it? Ah, but back to what I was saying: stick to what you are passionate about.
People who do not have something to strive for everyday need to find something. Every person can make a difference if you allow your voice to be heard. Do not conform to the norm; be the black sheep in a flock of white. Find what it is that you love with all your being and run with it. And when you're right, complain until justice is served!
The next thing I need to work on is the SAT but--as determined as I am--that should be no problem at all. Goodnight blogger world. Take care and remember to stick to your guns, they're the best you've got.
The result of this hassle I have been though just to not take eleven tests, will be my influence to create an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow for a national standardized test. Not state standardized but NATIONAL standardized. I know that no kid wants to take a dang test, ever; but I know that it is a necessary part of our education system. This nationwide standardized test, including military bases and territories, would make it easier fro children and young adults of military families, troubled households, and people who just move all the time. I would not negatively effect anyone, as there would be little to no change in procedure and administration of the new test as the old ones. This will have a positive effect on the national standard of learning, so we can have all the students at the same level. Sounds marvelous, doesn't it? Ah, but back to what I was saying: stick to what you are passionate about.
People who do not have something to strive for everyday need to find something. Every person can make a difference if you allow your voice to be heard. Do not conform to the norm; be the black sheep in a flock of white. Find what it is that you love with all your being and run with it. And when you're right, complain until justice is served!
The next thing I need to work on is the SAT but--as determined as I am--that should be no problem at all. Goodnight blogger world. Take care and remember to stick to your guns, they're the best you've got.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
If my thoughts could ignite a flame
I'd be able to melt the polar ice caps.
Do you remember who I am? Because I don't. I get as close as I can to touch anything, but there will always be particles between me and myself, between you and me, between eye and eyelid. I like the feel of the molecules between my finger tips and the keys of my netbook. Weird to say or rather, to type.
I miss a lot. I know that I'm going to cry sixty-percent of the time while I'm in Texas. I'm am definitely going to cry when I get seen off by one of the most amazing people in the world.</3
I'm in a disappearing mood. I want to leave everything. I want to start new. I want to sever all ties. I want to go to you and look straight in your face for a few seconds before looking at my feet and muttering "goodbye". The tears will hit the toes of my shoes and I'll look up at you one more time before walking away at a fast pace. There are very few things I want to take with me: Pawlie, Sophia (my vihuela), a small suitcase of clothes, and a large jacket. My hair is bleached blonde with some brown streaks from the roots, I'm wearing a denim button-up, large sunglasses, a sun hat with a sunflower on the right side, my sexy jeans (ha), brand new boots, and a matching waist belt. In my left hand I am carrying a business-like suitcase with my jacket folded over it and my right hand is holding Sophia. On my back is my little backpack with Pawlie, a few important documents, money, and such inside. I want to disappear....
Do you remember who I am? Because I don't. I get as close as I can to touch anything, but there will always be particles between me and myself, between you and me, between eye and eyelid. I like the feel of the molecules between my finger tips and the keys of my netbook. Weird to say or rather, to type.
I miss a lot. I know that I'm going to cry sixty-percent of the time while I'm in Texas. I'm am definitely going to cry when I get seen off by one of the most amazing people in the world.</3
I'm in a disappearing mood. I want to leave everything. I want to start new. I want to sever all ties. I want to go to you and look straight in your face for a few seconds before looking at my feet and muttering "goodbye". The tears will hit the toes of my shoes and I'll look up at you one more time before walking away at a fast pace. There are very few things I want to take with me: Pawlie, Sophia (my vihuela), a small suitcase of clothes, and a large jacket. My hair is bleached blonde with some brown streaks from the roots, I'm wearing a denim button-up, large sunglasses, a sun hat with a sunflower on the right side, my sexy jeans (ha), brand new boots, and a matching waist belt. In my left hand I am carrying a business-like suitcase with my jacket folded over it and my right hand is holding Sophia. On my back is my little backpack with Pawlie, a few important documents, money, and such inside. I want to disappear....
Yet, I don't know myself.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Eyelashes and magic 8-balls
Twice, I have made the same wish on eyelashes and twice they have not left my finger. Once, I asked a question dealing with the wish to a magic 8-ball and it replied, "Signs point to yes." So in my mind it's still a no. I believe that even if I had three "yes" responses on an 8-ball, eyelash wishes are more powerful. I know it sounds silly but it's what I believe.
I'm nearly an adult yet I still wish on eyelashes, dandelion puffs, and the first star in the sky at night. I ask for advice from 8-balls, horoscopes, and fortune cookies. I cry as the result of my thoughts, my dreams, and the small things people say. I'm nowhere near being grown-up.
I mean look at me, I'm five feet tall and a senior in high school. (This is the part where you chuckle to yourself.)
On a serious note, I enjoy the happiness. But who doesn't? Just to clarify though, I'm not talking about happiness. I speak of the happiness. The happiness and happiness are two completely different ideas. Happiness can be derived from anything, anything. Someone smiling at you can make you experience happiness. Finding a ten dollar bill on the ground can allow you to experience happiness. The happiness is what you feel between the people you're around, there's nothing more I can say to explain it.
I'm nearly an adult yet I still wish on eyelashes, dandelion puffs, and the first star in the sky at night. I ask for advice from 8-balls, horoscopes, and fortune cookies. I cry as the result of my thoughts, my dreams, and the small things people say. I'm nowhere near being grown-up.
I mean look at me, I'm five feet tall and a senior in high school. (This is the part where you chuckle to yourself.)
On a serious note, I enjoy the happiness. But who doesn't? Just to clarify though, I'm not talking about happiness. I speak of the happiness. The happiness and happiness are two completely different ideas. Happiness can be derived from anything, anything. Someone smiling at you can make you experience happiness. Finding a ten dollar bill on the ground can allow you to experience happiness. The happiness is what you feel between the people you're around, there's nothing more I can say to explain it.
The happiness is just the happiness.
Friday, December 10, 2010
The bat of an eyelash
We'll look straight into each other's eyes and I'll think to myself, are you experiencing the same moment as me? Do you look in to my eyes as deeply as I do yours? Are you wondering what I'm thinking about? Are our eyes somehow communicating the things we cannot say? Are you just looking at me, thoughtlessly? Are you even looking at me? Is there something on my face? Are you thinking about someone else? Do I make you happy? Am I good enough for you? What is your opinion of me? Do you have an opinion of me? Why is my heart beating like this? Why do I want to cry? Why do I want to smile? Why do I want to break out into hysterical laughter? Does anything I do matter to you? Am I here solely for your benefit? Do you love me? Do you even like me? Do I remind you of someone else? Do I bother you? I'll smile to myself for a millionth of a second, I like your eyes. The questioning resumes. Will you replay this simple moment in your head later? Will you discard it like it never happened? When you go home do you even think about me? Does it make you mad if you do? Am I wrong? Are you wrong? Are we wrong? Then one of us blinks and the thoughts end, even though they lasted but a few seconds.
It hardly matters. It's impossible to answer all my questions but I wish I could read your mind and answer them. I wish I could selectively read your mind over any distance. I'm curious.
It hardly matters. It's impossible to answer all my questions but I wish I could read your mind and answer them. I wish I could selectively read your mind over any distance. I'm curious.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Yesterday, Kkarnage spoke to me for the first time in a few months. It made me happier than you can imagine. I was beginning to believe that all my love and care for her was in vain. I thought that she honestly didn't give two damns about me or what I wanted to tell her. All I really want is to keep her safe. I want to bring her home with me and teach her how to be right, even though I don't know how to be right myself. I want to take care of her and give her something that I can't give myself. If I could, I'd drop everything for her.
If I could. I find myself saying that a lot and I suppose I can but it's not how I want to do anything. Dropping everything is so unrealistic, it's just a lie to make people feel secure. Yet, when it comes right down it, it's just about to damnedest thing one can tell another.
Would you take a bullet for me?
Honestly, probably not. I'm not brave enough to jump in front of a bullet, even if it was to save your life. I mean, put yourself in the same situation. You would want to but at the same time, we humans have such a strong desire to live... If I was invincible, I'd take a bullet for you.
Today was a sickly day. Yet I can't stand being useless when I'm sick, it's like a terrible curse. I cleaned the bathroom, the laundry, the stove, some of the interior of my car, my closet, my room, and I tried to clean the wall. I can't just sleep anymore, I don't know why. I really wish I could, I just wish I could. Weird though, it's only twenty 'til seven and I'm really fatigued. I might eat something but I know I want some tea... and some sleep.
Dream with me again. I want to pretend someone is keeping me warm, although my room is as hot as the summer. Dream with me again, I don't want to be alone and delirious. Watch me sleep and keep me safe and warm. Please, dream with me.
"If you can't sleep I'll be there in your dreams. I'll be there in your dreams if you can't sleep at all..."
If I could. I find myself saying that a lot and I suppose I can but it's not how I want to do anything. Dropping everything is so unrealistic, it's just a lie to make people feel secure. Yet, when it comes right down it, it's just about to damnedest thing one can tell another.
Would you take a bullet for me?
Honestly, probably not. I'm not brave enough to jump in front of a bullet, even if it was to save your life. I mean, put yourself in the same situation. You would want to but at the same time, we humans have such a strong desire to live... If I was invincible, I'd take a bullet for you.
Today was a sickly day. Yet I can't stand being useless when I'm sick, it's like a terrible curse. I cleaned the bathroom, the laundry, the stove, some of the interior of my car, my closet, my room, and I tried to clean the wall. I can't just sleep anymore, I don't know why. I really wish I could, I just wish I could. Weird though, it's only twenty 'til seven and I'm really fatigued. I might eat something but I know I want some tea... and some sleep.
Dream with me again. I want to pretend someone is keeping me warm, although my room is as hot as the summer. Dream with me again, I don't want to be alone and delirious. Watch me sleep and keep me safe and warm. Please, dream with me.
"If you can't sleep I'll be there in your dreams. I'll be there in your dreams if you can't sleep at all..."
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Take your own and I'll take mine
Hypocrisy at it's best is found in the warm loving arms of those you hold the closest. I do nothing to make you make me do things on my own. I do a lot on my own, without your help. Without anyone's help, geez doesn't that make sense? Doing things on my own, by myself. Yes, it makes a whole lot of sense. If you ask me to do something that is not my duty to do, I'll do it. A lot of times, I'll do it without being asked. But don't tell me to take care of your business and mine. Don't make it my fault that you're not taking your own.
"Can you walk the dogs."
Both go outside.
"Why am I putting the plates on your car? It's your car; you should be doing this."
"These are your dogs."
They sure as hell aren't mine. Two Jack Russells are definitely not my dogs of choice. Dogs aren't really on my good side anymore.
You go in and ignore me.
I walked the dogs and put the plates on my car. You're welcome.
"Can you walk the dogs."
Both go outside.
"Why am I putting the plates on your car? It's your car; you should be doing this."
"These are your dogs."
They sure as hell aren't mine. Two Jack Russells are definitely not my dogs of choice. Dogs aren't really on my good side anymore.
You go in and ignore me.
I walked the dogs and put the plates on my car. You're welcome.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The world map to my right is falling to it's demise. It just dropped a little bit further and startled me. I suppose this is a sign. I'm sorry. It's long gone now.
i love you
dear passion you are like the missing piece of my pie. you make me smile over alot of of stupid shit. so right now i am watching chase hug you and it looks funny because its you. i love to laugh at you. its great. please take a seat you said... ON MY DICK... that would be something chase would say but all he did was just stare at you. (:
hello kitty
thats right i just put a random picture in this blog
well i love you passion
hugs with no kisses
love your jigglypuff,
kasey smith
God makes wishes too
Last night:
I've seen snow before, but I've never seen the actual action of snowing. I went outside and walked around as the flurries of snow fell from the sky. I smiled; I felt as though God was blowing a giant dandelion puff over the city. I wonder what he wished for, eternal life?
This morrow:
What little snow remained on the ground from last night is now melting away, sadly. Sigh. It's suppose to snow again today. Hopefully it stays with me, well the ground really. So I thought, does this mean God's wish doesn't come true?
I've seen snow before, but I've never seen the actual action of snowing. I went outside and walked around as the flurries of snow fell from the sky. I smiled; I felt as though God was blowing a giant dandelion puff over the city. I wonder what he wished for, eternal life?
This morrow:
What little snow remained on the ground from last night is now melting away, sadly. Sigh. It's suppose to snow again today. Hopefully it stays with me, well the ground really. So I thought, does this mean God's wish doesn't come true?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Before I perish...
I hope to accomplish a majority of these things.
(Not in any particular order)
Live past 2012- Participate in the CSS program
- Join the Peace Corps*
- Travel to every state in U.S.
- Travel to every continent on Earth
- Travel to every country in the world
- Try a food whose name I cannot pronounce
- Meet Michael Cera
- See Kimya Dawson live
- See She & Him live
- Get Alesana to autograph something for Kasey
- Write a great book
- Keep this blog forever(:
Take up photography- Learn to draw the human form
- Get multiple tattoos (with meaning)
- Get a monroe
- Get a belly button piercing
- Learn to speak Spanish more fluently
- Spend at least a month in every Spanish-speaking country
- Learn a third language
- Learn something useful everyday
- Invent something
- Adopt-a-highway
- Adopt a pet
- Adopt a child
Register to vote- Vote in every [residential election
- Participate in the community
Graduate high school- Go to college*
- Complete college*
- Get married (Once)
- Have children
- Be a good mom
- Have a bilingual household
- Inspire someone
Do a marvelous canvas painting- Donate a dishwasher
- Cook nearly everyday
- Build something
- Personalize everything
Befriend a homosexual- Create a new food
- Paint a mural
- Purchase a famous painting
- Own an exotic pet
- Grow giant sunflowers
- Start a business
- Do a radio shout out
- Meet my family in Puerto Rico
- Visit my family in Chicago
- Keep in touch with good friends
- Reunite with people from my past
- Forgive
- Organize
- Disorganize
- Exercise
- Run at least one marathon every year
- Create a million dollar doodle
- Travel by boat
- Own a Volkswagen Camper
- Own a moped
- Be on television
Write a songCompose music- Own multiple types of old technology
- Make a fashion statement
Model (again)- Plant a tree
- Beautify the world
- Become strong enough to start a lawn mower
- Discover something
- Educate people
- Eliminate (or reduce) the use of hand sanitizer
- Own a zebra chair
Throw an amazing surprise party- Build a treehouse
- Own a two story home
- Have a girlfriend
- Own a thoroughbred animal
- Get wrinkles from excessive smiling
- Write a better will
- Periodically update that better will
- Stop cussing
- Stop buying notebooks I don't need
- Write and illustrate a children's book
Make a stop-motion film- Fill a piggy bank
- Understand calculus
- Learn why watches never stay on time
- Read more
- Complete the Vampire Chronicles series
- Expand my vocabulary
- Sky dive
- Snowboard
- Ski
- Water ski
- Scuba dive
- Understand a televised sport and enjoy watching it
- Learn the inner-workings of cars
Learn to drive a stick-shiftExperience a fire- Survive a zombie apocalypse
- Write a song about Thanksgiving
- Learn to ballroom dance
- Learn sign language
- Graffiti something public
- Own a dessert restaurant
- Get a complete tan
- Randomly punch someone who deserves it
Stand up for someone- Stand up for myself
- Shave all my hair off
- Look up the 12 original amendments
- Learn how to hula hoop dance
- Have a therapist
- See the supernatural or non-human existences
Get a driver's license- Learn astral projection
- Get 00 gauges
- Read the entire Bible
Crowd surf- Try a veggie burger from Burger King
- Be a vegetarian for more than a month
- Become a volunteer firefighter
Work at Target- Join a branch of the military*
- Become president of the United States
- Go to a rave
- Etch a family member's name from the Vietnam memorial
- Take a trip to D.C. on my own
- Surf
- Add to the chewing gum wall in Seattle, Washington
* conditional wants
Additional information:
I plan to periodically add goals, remove them, cross out completed goals, and the like. Every time I accomplish a goal, I will blog about it that day with the title of each entry like this: "Goal #45235: Eat Cheese"
If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear em! ENJOY!(:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
"Since the emotion is no longer existent."
I told you I'd be back.
I guess I was wrong. Ouch, that hurt a lot. Second time I'm crying today. Well at least this was more worth it, not just a lame test I didn't end up taking. I hate when you call me Passíon, you make me feel like a child. Like you're this great big person looking down on me. I can hear you saying it too, and it makes me grind my teeth. And when I tell you I hate it you never fail to bitterly mutter, "Well what am I supposed to call you?!?" But it was all a misunderstanding, I believe... I hope.
One truly recent photograph.
Quite upsetting but I'm okay now. I'm done crying, I think.
Goodnight world and all its inhabitants!
P.S. Lately, I have been waking up to Free by Mike Mains & the Branches. Just had to note that.
I guess I was wrong. Ouch, that hurt a lot. Second time I'm crying today. Well at least this was more worth it, not just a lame test I didn't end up taking. I hate when you call me Passíon, you make me feel like a child. Like you're this great big person looking down on me. I can hear you saying it too, and it makes me grind my teeth. And when I tell you I hate it you never fail to bitterly mutter, "Well what am I supposed to call you?!?" But it was all a misunderstanding, I believe... I hope.
One truly recent photograph.
Quite upsetting but I'm okay now. I'm done crying, I think.
Goodnight world and all its inhabitants!
P.S. Lately, I have been waking up to Free by Mike Mains & the Branches. Just had to note that.
Begin by falling and finish by getting back up
Newton's Third Law of Motion says that I am going to have a terrible rest of the week or more. My past few post have been fantastic and full of excitement. But not today, not today.
I woke up a bit late and thought nothing of it. Got ready for my day and actually ate breakfast, fabulous! I walked out to the bus stop as I munched on my peanutbutter and jelly sandwhich and drank milk from my dino juicy. The bus arrived and I made my way to my self-assigned seat. Just as I sat down, I remember that I was having a test in the morning and that I forgot all of my things on the coffee table in my room. Drat! Already a bad beginning.
I looked over to Kasey and asked if Ms. Susan, our bus driver, would let me off the bus so I may get my supplies. She made a slanty face and said no which in turn, made me frown. This problem could have been solved much quicker and much easier if I have my cellular device on my person. Let me explain the situation with that.
I am a seventeen year-old high school senior, my father--with whom I am living with for the first school year of my life--thinks that it is necessary for me to leave my cell phone at home. He uses this analogy: "It's like wearing a seat belt: the one time you forget to wear it, you could get into a fatal accident. Just like the one day you forget to turn the volume off on your phone, you can get it taken away for going off in class." And okay, I understand that but wouldn't that be my fault? I could deal with my phone being taken away if it was my fault in the first place. I wouldn't ask my father to get it back either because I think it is a just punishment for my forgetfulness or what have you, given the situation. Though, I digress.
If I had my cell phone, I could have called my father as soon as I realized that I was utterly unprepared for the day, but I didn't. If I knew my father's cell phone number by memory, I could have called him from Kasey's phone or of the phone's of any number of people on that bus, but I didn't. So I did what any logical person could only assume to do, go to the office and wait.
The ladies at the office were less than concerned with my dilemma and proceeded to discuss other students' issuses before my own (even though I was there first...) Upsetting. When one of the ladies finally had the time of day to speak to me, she ridiculed me on my reasons for leaving my supplies at home. "What's your name?" she inquired. "Passíon Leon, I mean Leeee-on First name spelt like passion." (Though it is pronounced Pa-shawn). She searched the system and couldn't find me, so her reaction was to turn to me and sneer, "your last name is Johnson, right?" I looked at her, puzzled, and repeated "Leee-on, it's Leee-on." She rolled her eyes and turned to face the computer screen. She pulled a pen out from the drawer to her left and took a sticky note from a draw on the right and began to write a phone number I did not recognize. "Is that the home telephone?" I asked, still muched suprised by the unfamiliarity of the number. "It's your father's work number." "Uhhh... I would really much rather have his cellular number, please." She looked at me weird and said, "It's in another area code, that would be long distance." I said nothing but requested the number again, I honestly did not see the issue. I left the office to go use the phone at the oddly placed front desk.
After getting permission from yet another lady, I used the telephone and tried dialing my father's cell phone number. It didn't work. The phone would not allow me to enter all ten digits of the phone number. Oh, that's the issue with it being from a Missouri area code. Drat. I tried his work telephone and no one answered, as I assumed would be the case. I was more upset than before, how was I going to get this call placed? I didn't know where to go, so I quickly made my way to English class.
I was hoping that I could explain my situation to my teacher, but wait! There was still a little hope left! I asked one of my fellow classmates if I could use thier cell phone, with the approval of the teacher of course, and one boy was generous enough to lend me his. I dialed my father's cell phone number and it went through! Yes, this might be the fix to my day!!!!
"Are you home?" I asked, quite eagerly. "No." I started crying and we said our goodbyes. I returned the phone to it's owner and then plopped my head on my desk. The teacher came by and asked if I wanted to explain my situation. I was stressed for the test we were about to take, a test for which we could use notes (which, as I've said before, were on my coffee table). He was very understanding and allowed that I could make it up on a later date. I was glad to hear that but it was a short lived joy beause he handed me two yellow slips of paper that listed all the SOL tests I was required to take.
Nine different tests. Nine test that are supposed to be taken throughout high school. Nine tests that I am really stressed about. To understand my level of stress I had toward these tests, let me give you some background.
Since the fifth grade, I have done my schooling in San Antonio, Texas. The standarized testing that the state of Texas had, at the time I lived there, was called TAKS. I took and passed all my TAKS tests and I definally passed my Exit Level TAKS tests. (Which determines whether or not you graduate from high school.) Mind you, that the state of Virginia has a much higher standard of learning than Texas. Therefore, the TAKS tests apparently do not waver for the Virginia SOL tests. Complete and utter bull! I should not be required to do more testing just because I am a new student. I believe they should take my past TAKS testing into consideration. Virginia is definitely not Texas and I have learned from this expierence is that I will not move whilst my future children are in high school. I would not want ot put them through this bologna of a situation that I am in now. But once again, I digress.
The SOL test I am most stressed about is one of Virginia and U.S. History, a class I have never taken in my life. I took Texas and U.S. History because, well, I WAS IN TEXAS! What is the point of making me take a test that I am doomed to fail. What do I know about Virginia? I know where it's located, I know that it's colder than Texas, and I know that the school system is a dozen times more complicated than in Texas. I am going to speak to my counsler about this abomination, hopefully tomorrow. But you see here, dear reader, this was only the first few hours of my day. I don't know if it gets better or whether it gets worse, but I have a strong feeling that this will not be my only blog entry today. See you later!
I woke up a bit late and thought nothing of it. Got ready for my day and actually ate breakfast, fabulous! I walked out to the bus stop as I munched on my peanutbutter and jelly sandwhich and drank milk from my dino juicy. The bus arrived and I made my way to my self-assigned seat. Just as I sat down, I remember that I was having a test in the morning and that I forgot all of my things on the coffee table in my room. Drat! Already a bad beginning.
I looked over to Kasey and asked if Ms. Susan, our bus driver, would let me off the bus so I may get my supplies. She made a slanty face and said no which in turn, made me frown. This problem could have been solved much quicker and much easier if I have my cellular device on my person. Let me explain the situation with that.
I am a seventeen year-old high school senior, my father--with whom I am living with for the first school year of my life--thinks that it is necessary for me to leave my cell phone at home. He uses this analogy: "It's like wearing a seat belt: the one time you forget to wear it, you could get into a fatal accident. Just like the one day you forget to turn the volume off on your phone, you can get it taken away for going off in class." And okay, I understand that but wouldn't that be my fault? I could deal with my phone being taken away if it was my fault in the first place. I wouldn't ask my father to get it back either because I think it is a just punishment for my forgetfulness or what have you, given the situation. Though, I digress.
If I had my cell phone, I could have called my father as soon as I realized that I was utterly unprepared for the day, but I didn't. If I knew my father's cell phone number by memory, I could have called him from Kasey's phone or of the phone's of any number of people on that bus, but I didn't. So I did what any logical person could only assume to do, go to the office and wait.
The ladies at the office were less than concerned with my dilemma and proceeded to discuss other students' issuses before my own (even though I was there first...) Upsetting. When one of the ladies finally had the time of day to speak to me, she ridiculed me on my reasons for leaving my supplies at home. "What's your name?" she inquired. "Passíon Leon, I mean Leeee-on First name spelt like passion." (Though it is pronounced Pa-shawn). She searched the system and couldn't find me, so her reaction was to turn to me and sneer, "your last name is Johnson, right?" I looked at her, puzzled, and repeated "Leee-on, it's Leee-on." She rolled her eyes and turned to face the computer screen. She pulled a pen out from the drawer to her left and took a sticky note from a draw on the right and began to write a phone number I did not recognize. "Is that the home telephone?" I asked, still muched suprised by the unfamiliarity of the number. "It's your father's work number." "Uhhh... I would really much rather have his cellular number, please." She looked at me weird and said, "It's in another area code, that would be long distance." I said nothing but requested the number again, I honestly did not see the issue. I left the office to go use the phone at the oddly placed front desk.
After getting permission from yet another lady, I used the telephone and tried dialing my father's cell phone number. It didn't work. The phone would not allow me to enter all ten digits of the phone number. Oh, that's the issue with it being from a Missouri area code. Drat. I tried his work telephone and no one answered, as I assumed would be the case. I was more upset than before, how was I going to get this call placed? I didn't know where to go, so I quickly made my way to English class.
I was hoping that I could explain my situation to my teacher, but wait! There was still a little hope left! I asked one of my fellow classmates if I could use thier cell phone, with the approval of the teacher of course, and one boy was generous enough to lend me his. I dialed my father's cell phone number and it went through! Yes, this might be the fix to my day!!!!
"Are you home?" I asked, quite eagerly. "No." I started crying and we said our goodbyes. I returned the phone to it's owner and then plopped my head on my desk. The teacher came by and asked if I wanted to explain my situation. I was stressed for the test we were about to take, a test for which we could use notes (which, as I've said before, were on my coffee table). He was very understanding and allowed that I could make it up on a later date. I was glad to hear that but it was a short lived joy beause he handed me two yellow slips of paper that listed all the SOL tests I was required to take.
Nine different tests. Nine test that are supposed to be taken throughout high school. Nine tests that I am really stressed about. To understand my level of stress I had toward these tests, let me give you some background.
Since the fifth grade, I have done my schooling in San Antonio, Texas. The standarized testing that the state of Texas had, at the time I lived there, was called TAKS. I took and passed all my TAKS tests and I definally passed my Exit Level TAKS tests. (Which determines whether or not you graduate from high school.) Mind you, that the state of Virginia has a much higher standard of learning than Texas. Therefore, the TAKS tests apparently do not waver for the Virginia SOL tests. Complete and utter bull! I should not be required to do more testing just because I am a new student. I believe they should take my past TAKS testing into consideration. Virginia is definitely not Texas and I have learned from this expierence is that I will not move whilst my future children are in high school. I would not want ot put them through this bologna of a situation that I am in now. But once again, I digress.
The SOL test I am most stressed about is one of Virginia and U.S. History, a class I have never taken in my life. I took Texas and U.S. History because, well, I WAS IN TEXAS! What is the point of making me take a test that I am doomed to fail. What do I know about Virginia? I know where it's located, I know that it's colder than Texas, and I know that the school system is a dozen times more complicated than in Texas. I am going to speak to my counsler about this abomination, hopefully tomorrow. But you see here, dear reader, this was only the first few hours of my day. I don't know if it gets better or whether it gets worse, but I have a strong feeling that this will not be my only blog entry today. See you later!
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