At first my father and I stuck together but as I got better on the ice, I surpassed him and thought a lot to myself. I observed the people from very young to about mid-adult, roam the ice, stay close to the side, or sit in the break areas. And though the ages of the people were not consistent, the majority of ice skaters were couples.
They held hands as they skated, they helped the other up if they fell, they kissed until they both fell, they glided across the ice so easily as a duo. My heart sank; I have never felt so alone, so isolated. I was surrounded by a sea of people and yet, I was the only one there. I was the only me.
It made me think of movies, of how everything always works out so perfectly for the main character. But what about the supporting characters? What happens to them? All this questioning lead to a train of thoughts about what we expect from the world because of some movies. Even my thoughts were cliché and they are as follows:
"All I want to do is fall. I'm gliding so steadily on the ice and only a few thoughts run through my head. 1. Fall. Just fall so someone can save you. 2. These ice skates are painful. 3. Don't fall, you'll get killed. 4. My left hurt is hurting more than the right. 5. Let someone run into to you to see what happens. But of course the things that are not naturally allowed are avoided. We all want things to happen but we won't make them happen ourselves. We carry on with our actions, repeating what we want to ourselves, hoping that wanting it more will make it happen. And usually, it doesn't."Guess what ended up happening?
I dreamt of scuba diving with my son. We were on this fancy boat and then we were in the water, I don't recall the details. Later on we were back on the boat and Joey and my son were talking, I could see them from the room I was in. My son asked Joey a question which was inaudible to me; Joey replied, "Don't worry man. I got a plan for her." I was enraged. I jumped off the boat and swam into the nothingness until I woke up.

After returning to my house I wrapped some gifts, Kasey came over, Charmander came over, and then Lee's padre picked us up to go to her house. The thing with Charmander was fun though! We were throwing bags of dried fruit at each other! It hurt quite terribly but It was very fun. Though that's not what I want to talk about, I want to tell you about what happened at Lee's.
Kasey and I got picked up and ended up at Lee's. I was evaluating her room because she wants me to help her arrange/design it. (Fun for me and good more my future major: interior design.) Then Lee spoke of her self-confidence issues. Kasey and I decided to play "What Not To Wear" and we would be the judges. It was pretty fun and I know Kasey wanted to steal a few of Lee's clothes, lol.

Mhmm, when Lee's padres dropped us off at home, we stayed at my house for a while, had some mac and cheese, then looked at Lee's tumblr.
I guess tumblr is nice, but I prefer blogger. It just feels so much more sophisticated to me, you know? I mean, it really isn't. Everyone is free to express their thoughts and ideas however they want, but I guess it just takes a lot more to do it here. You can't just "reblog" any random photo you happen to like. It just takes more to be a blogger user, in my opinion... I digress. I went way off topic there, ha!
It's time to call it a night or rather, a morning. It's taken me a very long while to type up this post. Goodnight blogger world.
Oh and I forgot to mention, me and SDB are chillin tomorrow. That's the first time I've mentioned him, ha ha.(:
This is what my hair would look like if I parted it the other way.
Oh, and I like wearing other people's clothes.
hahaha....well i don't like SDB's photo...maybe you can get a better one today
Pfft whatever.
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