Thursday, August 4, 2011

Colorful thumbprints all over white walls

     On my drive home tonight I was thinking about my life and about what I'm going to do in the situations that have been presented to me. All that thinking lead to reflecting on the past and what I think I have meant to people; I came to the conclusion that I'm a colorful thumb print on everyone's white walls.
     My life is like a child: innocent yet reckless, naive yet cunning; but most of all, memorable. When I enter someone's life, I'm just a shy child. I don't say much and I don't do much but eventually that innocence fades and I become more comfortable. The more comfortable I get, the more I will be involved in someone and their life. (Be it friends, family, strangers, etc.)  Once I'm involved, I leave my mark; my reckless side comes out and finds the brightest of the tempera paints, it lathers its hands with paint, yet only leaves a single thumbprint.
     Then one day that person and their life leave mine, or vice versa, and they go on with their lives with a single thumbprint polluting their perfect white wall.

I'll be the unorthodox marking on your life.
Shall we get started?

1 comment:

sdb said...

But my walls are purple hehe...and only i know the color of the thumbprint you left on mine