Saturday, November 26, 2011

Everyone else

     Sometimes I wonder how important I am to everyone else. Do the people that I have high on the scale of importance think of me on the same level? Or am I not as important? The reason I've been thinking about this so much is because I feel like I've been placed on the back burner of everyone else's life. It's understandable, there are other things to focus on in the world besides me, but I'm being selfish. I want someone to talk to, someone to listen, someone to hang out with, someone to be my friend...
     It feels like I have none of that, these days. All my good friends are far away and the so-called friends that still talk to me just use me for advice or because they need a ride. Then there's co-workers but I just feel disconnected from them... And the person who I need most is caught up in so much that it's almost as though he's gone./:
     Things seem better for everyone else I know but that's just me having unnecessary self-pity. And just a month ago I was grateful for the place I was in life. Not much has changed except circumstance... But things will improve, I'm sure. I just have to be patient.


You want something, but you don't go out to get it said...

Well you want someone to talk to, but you never text me haha. hit me up every once in awhile

Shawnee said...

But you know how I am. I think that if someone wanted to hear from me, they would ask. Otherwise I think no one wants to talk to me.