Well first off, enjoy some photos!
I saw this video on Youtube,
where the girl rolls her hair, like so,
and mine came out pretty good. :3
Side view.
Entire outfit.
Face shot.
The very next day.
I like how I can change my style over night.
A customer left me a tip in Pi.
How I proved to Roger that I was gonna visit him!
In my Mankie's front yard.
So pretty;<3
The dress and shoes I'm gonna wear to Robert's prom!
I'm so excited!
But I'm still not sure whether I should wear glasses...
...or not!
Anyhow, I found this notebook I used to write in all the time back in 2008 and dang! Wasn't that something? It's odd how much I haven't changed. I mean, I was a lot more childish then (which makes sense) but overall I've always been who I am today.
It really surprised me to read so much about Joey because I can look back at our relationship and feel absolutely nothing. I've completely forgotten the feeling of being head over heels in love with him. I think I remember but then I know that I'll never know that feeling how I used to know it, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but I really don't care.
Speaking of Joey though, we got in an argument a couple of weeks ago about S, Joey's girl-to-be, and why our relationship failed. If you follow my twitter, you might have noticed some of my tweets being about some one copying me; those were about S. As you can infer, she was essentially trying to be as Passíon as possible. (And I can assure you that I'm not being cocky.)
It started with S's bio which was way too similar to my "I breathe, I blog, and I play neopets. Woo for the weirdos." S's bio was something like, "I live. I love. I blog. I laugh. I play random neopets. Yay for the unordinary." It freaked me out... and that was just the beginning.
Eventually she tweaked her bio a bit, but it was still essentially the same thing. She followed my account but she never retweeted any of my tweets; instead, she would type the same tweet but change a few words. -_-" For example I tweeted: "If I can't tell someone everything, why bother telling them anything?" Then a while later, S tweeted, "Why bother telling some one anything, if there's no trust?" You can see how that is obviously derived from my initial statement, yes?
Then comes the good part! The point where she changes her profile to look almost identical to mine, she posts a photo of the letters that Joey and his family wrote to her, and then after Joey and I get into the argument, her friend D goes on her twitter and says, "My name is D and ive been using my friends account and have been pretending to be her. Sorry." and "Worst thing a person can do is go behind her best friends back and post her private life where it doesnt belong."
Meh. Stupidity. I guess I should be flattered to the extent of which she tried to portray me and then give a terrible front. I'm just easily creeped out, I suppose.
Other than that minor upset in my road, I'm doing quite swell! I'm really excited because I'm going to be seeing Robert soon! In two weeks actually! (And then three weeks after that!) I don't think I was this excited to go to prom when I was in high school.(x
At work, if I smile out of nowhere my co-workers are like, "Yes Passíon, WE KNOW you're excited to see Robert!" And I really am, I've never had him over at my house before! I'm set on having everything perfect. Teehee. :3
Life is good and there's so much more ahead! Until next time~!
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