Pawlie enjoying Christmas |
Christmas was great! My cousins came down from Dallas; it was nice to have everyone together again for Christmas since it had been quite some time. I didn't get much for Christmas and I don't mind that at all, I was just happy that I could give to everyone and make their Christmas even better. Speaking of Christmas, you might be wondering what I mean by double Christmas trees! Please allow me to explain!
A few days before Christmas, Mankie, my brother, and I went Christmas tree shopping. We couldn't find any trees, at all. It was a real disappointment until we left Walmart and passed by a tree tent. Excited, we turned around as soon as possible and went into the tree tent. It was a little bit of a downer because when we got inside all they had were four and five foot trees. The three of us thought long about it and, after a game of rock, paper, scissors between my brother and myself, we chose a five foot tree which was a little spare at the top. (I picked the tree.) We took it to Mankie's, my brother left, and Mankie and I set up the tree in the family room. Mankie wanted a bigger tree but a small tree was better than no tree at all. Eventually I left to go hang out with my friends Brandon, Sid, Cali, and Mike and that's when the double tree happened.
We ate out at a pretty nice Chinese buffet then made our way to the Quarry shopping center because Mike needed to buy my Christmas presents. After we began to head out, I noticed another tree tent and promptly called Mankie. She said that Grampy wouldn't want to pay for another tree so I offered to buy one myself. It was really exciting, buying my very first Christmas tree and giving the little one to Brandon, Sid, and Cali. Mankie offered to reimburse me the forty dollars that I spent to buy the tree but I declined, it was purchased in the spirit of Christmas. Then next day we set it up and decorated it but we forgot to put a star on top. xD I know that picture over there isn't that good, but the tree was beautiful and there were so many presents under the tree that it felt like I was five again. I'll probably post more pictures from my mom's camera in another post so you all can see how great my Christmas was. But even before Christmas we had a odd situation in which we had another dog!
Grampy named her Snowy. My grandparents found her running in between cars at the beginning of the street that they live on. At first, they weren't going to keep her but she just wanted to come home with them. Mankie to her to get vaccinated the next day and they took care of her as though she was their own. I was asked to take a photo of her in case she had an owner who wanted her back. (That's her over there to the right.) But before I could make any flyers, my brother had already found her owner one Craig's List and contacted him so that he could pick her up. Her real name is Chaine (Shy-ann) and she's a fourteen year old dog with a hearing problem. I was told that when her owner came to pick her up he was crying and very happy to have her back. Mankie was a little hesitant to let her go but she knew that if Suni had been found she would want him back, so Snowy was back home in no time. I hope that she's doing well and happy to be back with her owner.(:
I have two more projects for my room, one is a tree of cranes, as shown in the movie (500) Days of Summer (which I will post photos of as I get there) and the second is stenciling on a table lamp. Here are some pictures to help explain.
Here we have my table lamp that my mother got me for Christmas.
Pretty plain, huh?
This is my bedspread.
I thought that I could make my lamp cooler if I put the flowers on the lamp.
Good idea, right?
I tried to trace them with computer paper but it was too thick.
Instead, I used tissue paper.
I'll trace the tissue paper copies with a thicker paper so I can tape them onto the table lamp and then go around the edges with fabric paint that matches the room.
This is my last post for the two-thousand and eleven year! I hope you all have a safe New Year's and I'll be looking forward to posting for you in two-thousand and twelve! Chou!
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