Thursday, November 25, 2010

A truer reflection

     So, as all can see, I have enhanced my blog's header. I chose these two images for a couple of reasons, but firstly, I must inform you of their whereabouts and the reason I chose them.
     The image on the left, of the little girl blowing a dandelion puff, was found at this web address: (Taken by Nicky Thurgar) I am not to owner of that photograph therefore I should receive no credit. Well I chose this photo because it reminds myself of me, a much cuter version I must admit. Ha ha. It's simple, yet elegant, and no other photo of dandelion puffs could better capture that particular moment. (Seriously! Try googling dandelion puffs and tell me when you find a better photograph.)
     The photograph on the right was taken by my own right hand on March 1, 2010. It was a Monday as well as the one-year anniversary of the relationship between Joey and myself. Instead of going to school, and he work, we went to the zoo, dined at Wienerschnitzel, and went to that amazing book store that sells fancily bound books; but I digress. You cannot tell, because I have used greyscale on the image, that the bracelets on our wrist had blue x's and green lines. (Which maybe be why I chose this template, subliminally...) Moving on, I made these bracelets out of soda tabs and lanyard string, pretty simple to do and an easy way to make money, but not the point. Joey got the very, very, very first pop tab bracelet that I have ever made! It was kind of falling apart... but it was theeeee original.<3 The ring I was wearing is clear with a daisy painted on the inside, so it looked amazing on my finger. Sadly, that ring broke and lies somewhere in my things at Joey's house. The reason I chose this photo is for the simple fact that it was when I was completely happy with him, and it'll always be a part of me. But I feel good that I'm here now, in Virginia. "You started losing your identity..." I was told. I want to define myself and we're both young, after all "we have all the day in the world!"
     These are a few of the other photographs I was going to put on the right side of that adorable little girl:
I took the photos of the bird(s) January twenty-seventh, two-thousand and ten at a Sonic (the eatery) in San Antonio, Texas. I want to say it was downtown, but I'm not sure if that exact location would be considered to be downtown San Antonio. I believe this Sonic location was near the book place I mentioned earier. It was just a normal day out, Joey and I. Just something to get us out of the confines of our tiny house.(:
     The sticky note wall was a Christmas slash welcome home present. Guess who made it? Ha, you already knew, didn't you? Yes, Joey. I visited my dad for Christmas of 2009 and I got this upon my return to Texas. It must have taken a lot of time and apparently a lot of sticky notes! I don't remember if I cried when I saw it or not, but I feel like I did. If you can tell, this photo is two photographs combined into one. I did not chose this photo as my blog header because I didn't think that greyscale would do it justice so I didn't even give it a second thought. I could never put any shame to this artwork, it's too beautiful to disort.
     And although today is Turkey Day, I do not want to discuss it. I was rather quiet and kept to myself today. I think I will try to prefect the appearance of my blog by messing with the html. Adios!