Thursday, August 11, 2011

Goal #88: Make a stop motion film

My first and only (so far) stop motion animation!
If you couldn't tell, I'm EXTREMELY excited about this!!!
I'll be posting more of my artsy stuff when I get around to doing it, lol.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You never leave my mind

     I don't know how things are for you but when someone makes an impact on my life, I'm always thinking about them subconsciously. Generally, I go about my business as usual and then something triggers a single thought, which then turns into a series of thoughts about the particular person.
     For example, just yesterday I was wasting time at Barnes and Nobles; not looking for anything in particular, I stumbled across a copy of The Steampunk Bible. The thought that immediately followed my finding was, "Joey would love this." That lead to me thinking about the necklace that he gave me and how I rarely wore it, the necklace he purchased for one of his female friend's birthdays and how jealous I was about it, when he first introduced me to the whole theme of steampunk, how I wanted so badly to make him a real pair of leather steampunk goggles with his prescription lenses last summer. Then the thoughts seize and I continue to go about my business.
     When I begin to believe that someone is completely gone from my mind, which in itself should be proof that they are not, they reappear in the form of a physical object of some sort. My mind is just so wrapped around these people that have once been so important, and even those that are still just as important. I know that some people will say, "forget it, it was the past" but I the way I see it, the past was the present and the future at one point in time; therefore it's all important, it all matters, everyone matters.
     I'm absolutely grateful for those that are important in my life today, and I hope that they are there for tomorrow. I'm thankful for those people who are no longer willing participants in my life because, from them, I have learned many things.
We never know where the people in our life will end up,
 but just know that you'll never leave my mind.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Colorful thumbprints all over white walls

     On my drive home tonight I was thinking about my life and about what I'm going to do in the situations that have been presented to me. All that thinking lead to reflecting on the past and what I think I have meant to people; I came to the conclusion that I'm a colorful thumb print on everyone's white walls.
     My life is like a child: innocent yet reckless, naive yet cunning; but most of all, memorable. When I enter someone's life, I'm just a shy child. I don't say much and I don't do much but eventually that innocence fades and I become more comfortable. The more comfortable I get, the more I will be involved in someone and their life. (Be it friends, family, strangers, etc.)  Once I'm involved, I leave my mark; my reckless side comes out and finds the brightest of the tempera paints, it lathers its hands with paint, yet only leaves a single thumbprint.
     Then one day that person and their life leave mine, or vice versa, and they go on with their lives with a single thumbprint polluting their perfect white wall.

I'll be the unorthodox marking on your life.
Shall we get started?