Monday, January 31, 2011


     As the events of today proceeded, I flashed back to when I used to live in Okinawa, Japan. I thought of the day when I jumped off the steps of of the bright yellow school bus, much unlike those of America, and walked down the long set of outdoor stairs that led to my elementary school. As I approached one of the turns of the staircase, I spotted a small frog. I crouched down and told it to wait for me, and that after school I would take it home. When school was over my frog was nowhere to be found and I should have guessed as much, but I was only eight or nine.
     I'm not sure why I remember that, but maybe it's important. Maybe it's going to be one of the memories that flashes before my eyes while I'm dying. Maybe it means much more than it appears. I don't know. But right now, I feel like that frog.