Friday, February 17, 2012


     Please excuse my tardiness, but this post is about my extremely fantastic friend Bryant, or as I refer to him on my blog, SDB. SDB is awesome. He's put up with a lot of my shenanigans and given me a lot of good advice (that I usually completely ignored, lol). He is a part of my Carl (car) since he was the previous owner. We've spent a good chunk of the 2010-2011 year together doing some of the most random things, as depicted on the following photos of the napkin I drew for him! SDB is great and I'm lucky that he stuck around even though I've made terrible decisions and made him quite furious at me. He's the best of the best and I'm glad he's still my friend right now, and hopefully tomorrow too! I love you Bryant, Brad, SDB. :D
This is the full monty, above.
All others are just closer photos.