Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kasey and other things

     This photo above is of my best friend in the universe, Kasey Smith, and her boyfriend Mista Blaire (James), Below is my drawing of them. I apologize for not being able to draw males as well as females. T^T

     In a few short days I will be making my way to Virginia to visit my lovely best friend, my dad; Heather; and the dogs, and the rest of my friends.(: It's pretty exciting and all that jazz but there's so much more going on than that and I don't even know where to begin.

     I got mad because a co-worker decided to take some extacy before I took him home from work. I was really... taken aback. It made me sad to see him do something other that marijuana... but whatever I guess. I can't save everyone's lives. *Sigh* I wish getting "fucked up" wasn't cool because as much as they say everyone's not doing it, we know that they're wrong. The percentage of kids to young adults that abuse drugs is at a rise. 
     I've watched one of my closest friends change into someone so desperate and terrible... it just makes me sad to think that I've lost my friend not only to a girl, but the life of trying to get high at every turn possible. I don't know. I guess being one of the few that still don't do anything just makes every drug seem that much worse. 

I need to turn this post around.... behold! The largest omlette made at our IHOP and the cutest Cutie brand orange!
 I miss my bess frann