Monday, March 28, 2011

So close

I tried to do the "right thing" but the teacher didn't let me take Part 2 from class. But as a consolation, enjoy these photographs:
 Candle & The Beautiful and Damned
 D Pad.
 A Button

All photographs were taken by me, Miss Passíon Neftali Leon, please use them with permission.

Should Han Solo get the girl?

     Soon, I will make my way out of this classroom and do the right thing. My plan, you ask? Well you see that my plan is to expose Part 2 to the truth that she already knows. My hope is that she will find the courage to leave this time, unlike Saturday night--on the other side of an angry, sad, pleading, desperate, deciving phone call.
     "No one ever believes me," Part 1 said as I opened up my closet.
     "Hm," I thought to myself, "no one believes a liar."

     Though I still have some hope for Part 1. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I still have faith in Part 1. Just as Luke Skywalker held the hope that beyond Darth Vader's mask was the body and soul of his father--Anakin Skywalker. I see the good in Part 1 and that is the good that I'm praying will come out after all this goes down. I hope that Part 2 will believe the words that I say, I hope that she won't dismiss them and run to Part 1, crying about the troubles I have presented her with. I want her to feel the sincerity of my words because I don't know her; Part 2 is pretty much just another person to me. But at least I will know that in my heart I have tried to do the right thing even if I haven't succeeded.
     I'm pretty much pleading the Gods of Part 2's mind to allow her to understand that if it wasn't true I would not make the strenous effort, time, and conscience it has taken me to finally do this. This plan has been creeping around my head for such a long while... three months at the least. I'm thrilled to do this because I knew a note would not be enough but on the same token, I'm not ready to break the heart of this girl I hardly know.
     Oddly enough, I wonder if this can lead to a friendship--or not. Most likely it will lead to an extreme hate because the truth hurts. And what is typical of any relationship is that when the lady finds out that the man was cheating, the person with whom he cheated is automatically the whore, slut, homewrecker, bitch, life-ruiner, etc. The cheating male can do no wrong as his lady, or hopefully fomer-to-be, loves him too much. He'll cast that line as long as he knows it'll hook her.
    It may be true that "love makes no record of wrongs" but people do. Love is not invincible, immune, or resistant to the tolls of life and our humanities. Sometimes it's best to let go, I really think that it's time for Part 2 to let go, for her sake. I'm afraid for Part 1 though... the way he cried in my closet, the way he pleaded, the look on his face was just dasterdly... I don't want him to go back to his old ways of self-inflicting violence and such things but I'm tired of him dragging everyone down on his mission to be cool, to be an asshole.
Princess Leia: "I love you..."
Han Solo: "I know."
Maybe sealing Han Solo away at the end of Episode V was a good idea.