Friday, January 14, 2011

Feeling sexy is nice, being loved is better

     Flattering? Yes. It's quite flattering to have various people adore your looks and even hint (or be quite blunt) about thier desire to have sexual relations with you. A self-esteem and self-confidence booster, I suppose. Sure it's nice once in a while, but it's not enough to be wanted, to be desired. There would be no point to a real romance if everything was based on the superfical. "I want to have sex with you" is completely meaningless if there is nothing behind it. And that brings us today's topic, love.
     I bet you saw that one coming right? I mean the title of this post pretty much spells it out for you, actually it does. Pause yourself, this is me digressing.
     I mean it's not hard to come to the conclusion that things done without love are merely that. Things. In government class I overheard these two guys talking about girls and such. I'm going to go through what I remember of that conversation, as I remember it. By the way, I am using fake names.

Guy 1: Man did I tell you? Me, so-and-so, and his brother picked up these girls at a party and they went to the hotel with us!!!
Guy 2: No way? Wait, I thought you went to that party at whatshisname's house.
Guy 1: Yeah man, that's how it started. Me, so-and-so, and his brother were all chillin' at whatshisname's party. That's where we met those girls and then the party got shut down so we had to bounce! Those chicks just came with us cuz we were gonna go to another party.
Guy 2: For real? Damn! That's crazy, did y'all even know them?
Guy 1: Well so-and-so and I didn't know them.
Guy 2: And they still got in your ride?
Guy 1: Yeah and then we took off to this other party that was supposed to be off the chain, but there was this huge dude at the door. He was all, "Bitches only." So I told him fuck that cuz I'm not leaving these girls here if we can't party either. So we decided to get a hotel room.
Guy 2: How much was it?
Guy 1: Like sixty bucks.
Guy 2: You paid it all?
Guy 1: Nah, it was about me and ten other people. We all chipped in. Well anyway man, dude! Sandra was all over me man. I was just tired and wanted to get some sleep cuz I had some place to be in the morning. So I was laying there and she come in the room and we started talking and getting close and all that.
Guy 2: Did you do anything man?
Guy 1: Nahhh. Randell came in and just came right inbetween us. He was all feeling up on her and she didn't do anything at first so I was like "Dammmnnnn..."
Guy 2: Was they fighting before? I know that Sandra don't play like that.
Guy 1: Yeah they was. But man, he was all touching on her so I just didn't want to mess with that shit. I went to the other bed and tried to crash.
Guy 2: Why didn't you do anything? Not to be an ass or anything, but you know that's never going to happen again. Ever.
Guy 1: Yeah man, I know. I mean I should have slept with Sandra but Randell man. I don't wanna be with a girl like that.
Guy 2: No one said you had to be with her.
Guy 1: Ha ha ha true. Nah, man but I regret it. Oh and did I tell you about Kayleen?
Guy 2: Nah, why? What's up with her?
Guy 1: She is all public about her sexual shit man. She was all going up to so-and-so and telling him that she just learned to unbutton and unzip pants with her mouth.
Guy 2: For real? That's crazy!
Guy 1: Yeah, after like thirty minutes she got it done and had his pants nearly off.
Guy 2: Man she already down there, I would've told her to finish the job, ha ha ha.
Guy 1: He did say that! She was all "Ew, that's gross." And just left him there in his drawers...
     I stopped listening after that or maybe I don't remember, I couldn't really tell you with the lack of sleep I've been racking up. *Yay* But you see, they were all about the action and not the feeling; those girls kinda seemed the same. There was no love in this conversation. It was just pussy and oppurtunity.
     I don't really remember where I was going with this post so maybe I'll add to it in another post. Oh and I made up for all my lost sleep with 3430945 hours yesterday!(:
     Sorry for straying off topic. I'll do a better post next time.