Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My heart said to my brain, "I told you so!"

     A few days ago I was going to blog about how sometimes, you have to use your brain to convince your heart that things are going to be alright... but I was mistaken. When your brain has to convince your heart something,  you are only cheating yourself. Your heart knows when things are wrong even before your brain realizes it. Well, that's how it goes for me anyway.
     You see, a few days ago Robert lost his necklace with the cute dog tag I put on it. If you know me at all or have read this post, then you know exactly why I knew something was wrong the moment he told me. If you haven't read the post then allow me to explain; if you have read the post or know me well, you can skip ahead to the next paragraph. If someone gave me an object, say a bracelet, and that bracelet just did not stay on; I would believe that our friendship was on the brink of ending and I am the one holding us together. You know what I mean? That's how my heart knew what my brain ignored.
     At the end of the day my heart said to my brain, "I told you so!" I'm no longer at war with myself over what might happen or what's supposed to happen. My brain, heart, and I are all content waiting alone, together. (If that makes sense...) We're waiting on Robert's heart to convince his brain that it's okay, the three of us won't hurt him like other hearts, brains, and people have before. :3