Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Goal #65: Write a song, Goal #66: Compose music

     I got lucky and have managed to take down two goals at one request! Let me exaplin this to you in a bit
more detail. My dear friend, Chris, asked me to write a song about love. Simple enough, right? I wrote the song in a total for three or four hours and instantly felt that it needed piano. I came up with a complex series of "doo-doo-doo's" and ended up making a melody for the music. I also have to record, play, and sing, this song of mine, so that should be interesting. I have not completely finished the composing part, I just need to do two more parts and I'll be set! (And so will my friend ha ha ha.) I might make a music video and put it on Youtube and get as famous as Rebecca Black, except, I believe people will enjoy my music.(x Who knows what it could lead to? I sure don't, but I know that I'm proud of myself for going with my goals and opportuniy is opportunity! No way, I'm not gonna take this chance.
     Anyhow, I'll let you see the first verse and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! The song is called Darling for obvious reasons.

"The way that you smile, makes time worthwhile,
Your perfectly sheveled hair, the way I like to stare---at you---(doodoodoo, doodoodoo, doo-doo),
And the shine in your eyes, are reasons why---I adore you---
Darling, darling, darling."

And now you must wait for the real thing! You got a sample for now, I'll keep you posted!(: